Name | Data Type | Value |
Description | string | This method creates an iSCSI Port in the form of an instance of iSCSIProtocolEndpoint. As part of the creation process the iSCSIProtocolEndpoint is 'bound to' the underlying TCP or IP ProtocolEndpoints which are specified as inputs by creating instances of the BindsTo association between the new instance and those instances. In addition, an instance of SAPAvailableForElement is created between the specified SCSIProtocolController and the new instance of iSCSIProtocolEndpoint. |
ValueMap | string | 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6..4095, 4096, 4097, 4098, 4099, 4100, 4101, 4102, 4103, 4104..32767, 32768..65535 |
Values | string | Success, Not Supported, Unspecified Error, Timeout, Failed, Invalid Parameter, DMTF Reserved, SCSIProtocolController Non-existent, Role Not Supported By Specified SCSIProtocolController, Identifier In Use, Not Unique, Identifier Selection Not Supported, ProtocolEndpoint Non-Existent, TCPProtocolEndpoint Not Bound To Underlying IPProtocolEndpoint, TCPProtocolEndpoint In Use By Other iSCSIProtocolEndpoint In Same Target SCSIProtocolController, ProtocolEndpoints Not From Same Endpoint Collection, Method Reserved, Vendor Specific |
Name | Type | Qualifiers |
Name | Data Type | Value |
Identifier | string |
Description | string | If this is an Initiator Port, Identifier MUST contain the ISID, if this is a Target Port, Identifier MUST contain the Target Portal Group Tag (TGPT). Each iSCSIProtocolEndpoint (iSCSI port) associated to a common SCSIProtocolController (iSCSI node) must have a unique Identifier. This field is a string that contains 12 hexadecimal digits. If the property IdentifierSelectionSupported in class iSCSIConfigurationCapabilities is false, this parameter MUST be set to NULL. |
MaxLen | uint32 | 13 |
ModelCorrespondence | string | CIM_iSCSIConfigurationCapabilities.IdentifierSelectionSupported |
Role | uint16 |
Description | string | For iSCSI, each iSCSIProtocolEndpoint must act as either a target or an initiator endpoint. This property indicates which role this iSCSIProtocolEndpoint implements. |
ValueMap | string | 2, 3 |
Values | string | Initiator, Target |
NetworkPortals | CIM_ProtocolEndpoint[] |
Description | string | Array of References to either TCPProtocolEndpoints representing Target NetworkPortals or IPProtocolEndpoint instances representing Initiator NetworkPortals. If TCPProtocolEndpoints are supplied each MUST be in turn associated to an instance of IPProtocolEndpoint via a BindsTo association in order to provide the Target Network Portal functionality. The selected Portal endpoints MUST be from the same SystemSpecificCollection, which represents a Portal Group. |
iSCSINode |
CIM_SCSIProtocolController |
Description | string | The SCSIProtocolController instance representing the iSCSI Node that will contain the iSCSI Port. |
iSCSIPort |
CIM_iSCSIProtocolEndpoint |
Description | string | A reference to the new iSCSIProtocolEndpoint that is created. |
IN | boolean | false |
OUT | boolean | true |
Name | Data Type | Value |
Description | string | The method deletes an instance of iSCSIProtocolEndpoint and all associations in which this iSCSIProtocolEndpoint is referenced. |
ValueMap | string | 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6..4095, 4096, 4097..32767, 32768..65535 |
Values | string | Success, Not Supported, Unspecified Error, Timeout, Failed, Invalid Parameter, DMTF Reserved, Endpoint Non-Existent, Method Reserved, Vendor Specific |
Name | Data Type | Value |
Description | string | This method provides for modification of an existing iSCSIProtocolEndpoint by associating a TCPProtocolEndpoint representing an Target NetworkPortal or an IPProtocolEndpoint instance representing an Initiator NetworkPortal to the iSCSIProtocolEndpoint. The association is persisted as an instance of BindsTo. The selected Portal endpoint must be from the same SystemSpecificCollection, which represents a Portal Group, as the endpoints currently bound to the iSCSIProtocolEndpoint. This action is intended to be reversed by the use of the intrinsic method 'DeleteInstance'. |
ValueMap | string | 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6..4095, 4096, 4097, 4098, 4099, 4100..32767, 32768..65535 |
Values | string | Success, Not Supported, Unspecified Error, Timeout, Failed, Invalid Parameter, DMTF Reserved, ProtocolEndpoint Non-Existent, TCPProtocolEndpoint Not Bound To Underlying IPProtocolEndpoint, ProtocolEndpoint In Use By Other iSCSIProtocolEndpoint In Same Target SCSIProtocolController, ProtocolEndpoint Not From Same Endpoint Collection, Method Reserved, Vendor Specific |
Name | Data Type | Value |
Description | string | This method creates an iSCSI Node in the form of an instance of SCSIProtocolController. As part of the creation process a SystemDevice association is created between the new SCSIProtocolController and the scoping Network Entity (CIM_ComputerSystem) hosting this service. |
ValueMap | string | 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6..4095, 4096, 4097, 4098..32767, 32768..65535 |
Values | string | Success, Not Supported, Unspecified Error, Timeout, Failed, Invalid Parameter, DMTF Reserved, Node Creation Not Supported, Alias In Use By Other Node, Method Reserved, Vendor Specific |
Name | Data Type | Value |
Description | string | This method deletes an instance of SCSIProtocolController respresenting an iSCSI Node. If Sessions are active on iSCSIProtocolEndpoints belonging to this node an error will be returned. If no Sessions are active the scoped iSCSIProtocolEndpoints will be deleted. |
ValueMap | string | 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6..4095, 4096, 4097, 4098..32767, 32768..65535 |
Values | string | Success, Not Supported, Unspecified Error, Timeout, Failed, Invalid Parameter, DMTF Reserved, SCSIProtocolController Non-Existent, Sessions Active on Node Ports, Method Reserved, Vendor Specific |
Name | Data Type | Value |
Description | string | This method takes an instance of CIM_ComputerSystem to creates an iSCSI Port in the form of an instance of iSCSIProtocolEndpoint. For arrays supporting multi CIM_ComputerSystem instance this parameter helps determining the computer system that will be used to create the end point. As part of the creation process the iSCSIProtocolEndpoint is 'bound to' the underlying TCP or IP ProtocolEndpoints which are specified as inputs by creating instances of the BindsTo association between the new instance and those instances. In addition, an instance of SAPAvailableForElement is created between the specified SCSIProtocolController and the new instance of iSCSIProtocolEndpoint. |
Experimental | boolean | true |
ValueMap | string | 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6..4095, 4096, 4097, 4098, 4099, 4100, 4101, 4102, 4103, 4104..32767, 32768..65535 |
Values | string | Success, Not Supported, Unspecified Error, Timeout, Failed, Invalid Parameter, DMTF Reserved, SCSIProtocolController Non-existent, Role Not Supported By Specified SCSIProtocolController, Identifier In Use, Not Unique, Identifier Selection Not Supported, ProtocolEndpoint Non-Existent, TCPProtocolEndpoint Not Bound To Underlying IPProtocolEndpoint, TCPProtocolEndpoint In Use By Other iSCSIProtocolEndpoint In Same Target SCSIProtocolController, ProtocolEndpoints Not From Same Endpoint Collection, Method Reserved, Vendor Specific |
Name | Type | Qualifiers |
Name | Data Type | Value |
Identifier | string |
Description | string | If this is an Initiator Port, Identifier MUST contain the ISID, if this is a Target Port, Identifier MUST contain the Target Portal Group Tag (TGPT). Each iSCSIProtocolEndpoint (iSCSI port) associated to a common SCSIProtocolController (iSCSI node) must have a unique Identifier. This field is a string that contains 12 hexadecimal digits. If the property IdentifierSelectionSupported in class iSCSIConfigurationCapabilities is false, this parameter MUST be set to NULL. MaxLen ( 13 ), ModelCorrespondence { CIM_iSCSIConfigurationCapabilities.IdentifierSelectionSupported} |
In | boolean | true |
Role | uint16 |
Description | string | For iSCSI, each iSCSIProtocolEndpoint must act as either a target or an initiator endpoint. This property indicates which role this iSCSIProtocolEndpoint implements. |
In | boolean | true |
ValueMap | string | 2, 3 |
Values | string | Initiator, Target |
iSCSINode |
CIM_SCSIProtocolController |
Description | string | The SCSIProtocolController instance representing the iSCSI Node that will contain the iSCSI Port. |
In | boolean | true |
iSCSIPort |
CIM_iSCSIProtocolEndpoint |
Description | string | A reference to the new iSCSIProtocolEndpoint that is created. |
In | boolean | false |
Out | boolean | true |
NetworkPortals |
CIM_ProtocolEndpoint |
Description | string | Array of References to either TCPProtocolEndpoints representing Target NetworkPortals or IPProtocolEndpoint instances representing Initiator NetworkPortals. If TCPProtocolEndpoints are supplied each MUST be in turn associated to an instance of IPProtocolEndpoint via a BindsTo association in order to provide the Target Network Portal functionality. The selected Portal endpoints MUST be from the same SystemSpecificCollection, which represents a Portal Group. |
In | boolean | true |
StorageProcessorSystem |
CIM_ComputerSystem |
Description | string | The CIM_ComputerSystem instance representing storage processor system where iSCSI target will be created. |
In | boolean | true |