Class CIM_ProtocolControllerMaskingCapabilities
extends CIM_Capabilities

A subclass of Capabilities that defines the Masking-related capabilities of a ProtocolController.

Table of Contents
Direct Known Subclasses
Class Qualifiers
Class Properties
Class Methods

Class Hierarchy


Direct Known Subclasses


Class Qualifiers

NameData TypeValue
DescriptionstringA subclass of Capabilities that defines the Masking-related capabilities of a ProtocolController.

Class Properties

Local Class Properties

NameData TypeDefault ValueQualifiers
NameData TypeValue
DescriptionstringSet to true if this storage system supports the AttachDevice method.
DescriptionstringSet to true if this storage system allows the client to specify the DeviceNumber parameter when calling ControllerConfigurationService.AttachDevice() or specify the DeviceNumbers parameter when calling ControllerConfigurationService.ExposePaths(). Set to false if the implementation does not allow unit numbers to vary for a ProtocolController. However, if set to false and a Device is not the Dependent of a ProtocolControllerForUnit association, the client MUST provide a DeviceNumber parameter in ControllerConfigurationService.AttachDevice or ControllerConfigurationService.ExposePaths. If set to false and the Device is already the Dependent of a ProtocolControllerForUnit association, then the client can omit the DeviceNumber parameter (or supply the same value) in subsequent ControllerConfigurationService.AttachDevice calls.
DescriptionstringSet to true if this storage system supports the CreateProtocolControllerWithPorts method.
DescriptionstringSet to true if this storage system supports the ExposePaths and HidePaths methods.
DescriptionstringSet to true if this storage system supports the ExposePathsWithNameAndHostType method.
DescriptionstringThe maximum number of ProtocolCOntrollerForUnit associations that can be associated with a single LogicalDevice (for example, StorageVolume). Zero indicates there is no limit.
DescriptionstringSet to true if this storage system limits configurations to a single subject hardware ID per view. Otherwise, multiple hardware ID types can be used. The default is FALSE, that multiple ID types MAY be used in a single view.
DescriptionstringAn integer enumeration indicating the way that ports per view (ProtocolController) are handled by the underlying storage system.
ValueMapstring2, 3, 4
ValuesstringOne Port per View, Multiple Ports per View, All Ports share the same View
DescriptionstringSet to true if this storage system allows a client to create a Privilege instance with PrivilegeGranted set to FALSE.
DescriptionstringIf true, this property indicates that a Privilege/Identity pair MUST be specified when CreateProtocolControllerWithPorts() is called. If false, then the Privilege/Identity pair in CreateProtocolControllerWithPorts() MUST NOT be set.
DescriptionstringIf true, this property indicates that the Identity parameter of CreateProtocolConntrollerWithPorts() MUST contain a reference to a CIM_Collection (or subclass) or to a CIM_Identity (or subclass). If ExposePathsSupported is true, this property indicates the storage system supports SystemSpecificCollections of StorageHardwareIDs.
DescriptionstringSet to true if the instumentation allows a client to create a configuration where an SPC has no StorageHardwareIDs associated via CIM_AuthorizedTarget/CIM_AuthorizedPrivilege/CIM_AuthorizedSubject.
DescriptionstringSet to true if the instumentation allows a client to create a configuration where an SPC has no LogicalDevices associated via CIM_ProtocolControllerForUnit associations.
DescriptionstringSet to true if the instumentation allows a client to create a configuration where an SPC has no target SCSIProtocolEndpoints associated via CIM_SAPAvailableForELement associations.
DescriptionstringSet to true if it the instrumentation supports 'default view' SPCs that exposes logical units to all initiators (so called 'promiscuous LUNs'. Default view SPCs MUST have be associated to a CIM_StorageHardwareID instance with Name set to the null string. A target port MUST NOT be associated with more a single default view SPC. If PortsPerView is 'All Ports share the same View', then at most one default view SPC MAY be associated with the target system. If SPCAllowsNoLUs is true, the instrumentation MAY instantiate a static default view instance or let the client create one as needed using ExposePaths. For other values of PortsPerView, all default view SPC MUST share the same null-Name CIM_StorageHardwareID instance.
DescriptionstringWhen set to false, different ProtocolContollers attached to a LogicalPort can expose the same unit numbers. If true, then this storage system requires unique unit numbers across all the ProtocolControllers connected to a LogicalPort.
DescriptionstringAn array of strings describing types for valid StorageHardwareID.IDType. Used when the ValidHardwareIdTypes includes 1 ("Other").
DescriptionstringA list of the valid values for StrorageHardwareID.IDType. iSCSI IDs MAY use one of three iSCSI formats - iqn, eui, or naa. This three letter format is the name prefix; so a single iSCSI type is provided here, the prefix can be used to further refine the format.
ValueMapstring1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7
ValuesstringOther, Port WWN, Node WWN, Host Name, iSCSI Name, SAS Address

Inherited Properties

NameData TypeClass Origin

Class Methods

Local Class Methods

GetElementNameCapabilities (uint32)

Method Qualifiers (GetElementNameCapabilities)

NameData TypeValue
DescriptionstringThis method indicates if ElementName can be specified as a part of invoking an appropriate method of the ControllerConfigurationService to create a new element. Additionally, the returned data includes the methods that can be used to modify the ElementName of existing storage elements. This method also returns the restrictions on the ElementName in the related "OUT" parameters.
ModelCorrespondencestringCIM_ControllerConfigurationService.ExposePaths, CIM_ControllerConfigurationService.ExposePathsWithNameAndHostType, CIM_StorageHardwareIDManagementService.CreateStorageHardwareID, CIM_GroupMaskingMappingService.CreateMaskingView
ValueMapstring0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, .., 0x8000..
ValuesstringSuccess, Not Supported, Unknown, Timeout, Failed, Invalid Parameter, In Use, DMTF Reserved, Vendor Specific

Method Parameters (GetElementNameCapabilities)

NameData TypeValue
DescriptionstringThis string expresses the restrictions on ElementName. The mask is expressed as a regular expression. See DMTF standard ABNF with the Management Profile Specification Usage Guide, Annex C for the regular expression syntax permitted. Since the ElementNameMask can describe the maximum length of the ElementName, any length defined in the regexp is in addition to the restriction defined in MaxElementNameLen (causing the smaller value to be the maximum length). The ElementName value satisfies the restriction, if and only if it matches the regular expression. If NULL, it indicates no restrictions on the ElementName.
DescriptionstringA value indicating the element type.
ValueMapstring2, 3, .., 0x8000..
ValuesstringStorageHardwareID, SCSIProtocolController, DMTF Reserved, Vendor Specific
DescriptionstringMaximum supported ElementName length.
DescriptionstringEnumeration indicating what methods can accept the element name for creation or modification of a storage element. ExposePaths is an example of an InvokeMethod. ModifyInstance and SetProperty are examples of intrinsic methods. An empty array indicates ElementNaming for ElementType is not supported, in which case the other OUT parameters are null.
ValueMapstring2, 3, 4, .., 32768..65535
ValuesstringElementName can be supplied during creation, ElementName can be modified with InvokeMethod, ElementName can be modified with intrinsic method, DMTF Reserved, Vendor Specific
Goal REF CIM_ManagedElement
DescriptionstringProperties of the Goal provide additional information about ElementType.

Inherited Class Methods

NameReturn TypeClass Origin