Class CIM_ElementProfile

Note: The Profile class is being deprecated in lieu of using a ConcreteComponent relationship to indicate a hierarchy of Setting or SettingData instances. This relationship allows the reuse of the element to Setting or SettingData associations instead of defining a peer association specifically for Profiles. Deprecated description: ElementProfile represents the association between ManagedElements and the Profiles (collection of settings) that are defined for them. This association indicates that the settings that are collected by the Profile apply to the associated ManagedElement.

Table of Contents
Direct Known Subclasses
Class Qualifiers
Class Properties
Class Methods

Class Hierarchy


Direct Known Subclasses

Class Qualifiers

NameData TypeValue
DeprecatedstringCIM_ElementSettingData, CIM_ElementSetting
DescriptionstringNote: The Profile class is being deprecated in lieu of using a ConcreteComponent relationship to indicate a hierarchy of Setting or SettingData instances. This relationship allows the reuse of the element to Setting or SettingData associations instead of defining a peer association specifically for Profiles. Deprecated description: ElementProfile represents the association between ManagedElements and the Profiles (collection of settings) that are defined for them. This association indicates that the settings that are collected by the Profile apply to the associated ManagedElement.

Class Properties

Association References

NameClass OriginReference Class

Class Methods