Class CIM_PolicyActionInPolicyRule
extends CIM_PolicyActionStructure

A PolicyRule aggregates zero or more instances of the PolicyAction class, via the PolicyActionInPolicyRule association. A Rule that aggregates zero Actions is not valid--it may, however, be in the process of being entered into a PolicyRepository or being defined for a System. Alternately, the actions of the policy may be explicit in the definition of the PolicyRule. Note that a PolicyRule should have no effect until it is valid. The Actions associated with a PolicyRule may be given a required order, a recommended order, or no order at all. For Actions represented as separate objects, the PolicyActionInPolicyRule aggregation can be used to express an order. This aggregation does not indicate whether a specified action order is required, recommended, or of no significance; the property SequencedActions in the aggregating instance of PolicyRule provides this indication.

Table of Contents
Direct Known Subclasses
Class Qualifiers
Class Properties
Class Methods

Class Hierarchy


Direct Known Subclasses

Class Qualifiers

NameData TypeValue
DescriptionstringA PolicyRule aggregates zero or more instances of the PolicyAction class, via the PolicyActionInPolicyRule association. A Rule that aggregates zero Actions is not valid--it may, however, be in the process of being entered into a PolicyRepository or being defined for a System. Alternately, the actions of the policy may be explicit in the definition of the PolicyRule. Note that a PolicyRule should have no effect until it is valid. The Actions associated with a PolicyRule may be given a required order, a recommended order, or no order at all. For Actions represented as separate objects, the PolicyActionInPolicyRule aggregation can be used to express an order. This aggregation does not indicate whether a specified action order is required, recommended, or of no significance; the property SequencedActions in the aggregating instance of PolicyRule provides this indication.

Class Properties

Association References

NameClass OriginReference Class

Inherited Properties

NameData TypeClass Origin

Class Methods