Class CIM_AllocatedFromStoragePoolView
extends CIM_AbstractElementAllocatedFromPool

The CIM_AllocatedFromStoragePoolView instance is a view that is derived from the CIM_AllocatedFromStoragePool association between the StorageVolume or LogicalDisk (of the CIM_VolumeView) and the StoragePool from which the StorageVolume (or LogicalDisk is allocated. Note that if the StorageVolume (or LogicalDisk) is allocated from multiple StoragePools there will be multiple AllocatedFromStoragePoolView instances for the StorageVolume (or LogicalDisk). This association is between a view class and a normalized class. It can go in either direction (e.g., VolumeView dependent on a StoragePool or a StorageVolume dependent on a StoragePoolView).

Table of Contents
Direct Known Subclasses
Class Qualifiers
Class Properties
Class Methods

Class Hierarchy


Direct Known Subclasses

Class Qualifiers

NameData TypeValue
DescriptionstringThe CIM_AllocatedFromStoragePoolView instance is a view that is derived from the CIM_AllocatedFromStoragePool association between the StorageVolume or LogicalDisk (of the CIM_VolumeView) and the StoragePool from which the StorageVolume (or LogicalDisk is allocated. Note that if the StorageVolume (or LogicalDisk) is allocated from multiple StoragePools there will be multiple AllocatedFromStoragePoolView instances for the StorageVolume (or LogicalDisk). This association is between a view class and a normalized class. It can go in either direction (e.g., VolumeView dependent on a StoragePool or a StorageVolume dependent on a StoragePoolView).

Class Properties

Local Class Properties

NameData TypeDefault ValueQualifiers
NameData TypeValue
DescriptionstringThe space consumed from the StoragePool by the StorageVolume (or LogicalDisk). This value is the same as the AllocatedFromStoragePool.SpaceConsumed value for the base CIM_StorageVolume on the antecedent StoragePool.

Association References

NameClass OriginReference Class

Class Methods