Class CIM_FingerprintMatchingServiceCapabilities
extends CIM_EnabledLogicalElementCapabilities

FingerprintMatchingServiceCapabilities is the logical representation of the capabilities of the CIM_FingerprintMatchingService.

Table of Contents
Direct Known Subclasses
Class Qualifiers
Class Properties
Class Methods

Class Hierarchy


Direct Known Subclasses

Class Qualifiers

NameData TypeValue
DescriptionstringFingerprintMatchingServiceCapabilities is the logical representation of the capabilities of the CIM_FingerprintMatchingService.

Class Properties

Local Class Properties

NameData TypeDefault ValueQualifiers
NameData TypeValue
DescriptionstringAn array of integer enumeration that indicates the supported Compression Algorithm
ValueMapstring0, 3, 4, 5, .., 32768..65535
ValuesstringUnknown, Uncompressed, Compressed-Grayscale, Compressed-Binary, DMTF Reserved, Vendor Specified
DescriptionstringAn array of strings that identify the supported matching algorithm In order to ensure uniqueness within the Namespace, each value defined by the vendor for use in the MatchingAlgorithmSupported property SHOULD be constructed using the following 'preferred' algorithm: <OrgID>:<LocalID> Where <OrgID> and <LocalID> are seperated by a colon ':', and where <OrgID> MUST include a copyrighted, trademarked or otherwise unique name that is owned by the business entity creating/defining the InstanceID, or is a registered ID that is assigned to the business entity by a recognized global authority (This is similar to the <Schema Name>_<Class Name> structure of Schema class names.) In addition, to ensure uniqueness <OrdID> MUST NOT contain a colon (':'). When using this algorithm, the first colon to appear in InstanceID MUST appear between <OrgID> and <LocalID>. <LocalID> is chosen by the business entity and SHALL not be re-used to identify different underlying (real-world) elements.
DescriptionstringAn array of the free-form strings providing the description of other TemplateFormats when 1, "Other", is specified for the TemplateFormat.
ModelCorrespondencestringCIM_FingerprintMatchingServiceCapabilities.TemplateFormatsSupported, CIM_FingerprintMatchingService.TemplateFormat, CIM_FingerprintMatchingService.OtherTemplateFormat, CIM_FingerprintTemplate.OtherTemplateFormat, CIM_FingerprintTemplate.TemplateFormat
DescriptionstringAn array of integer enumeration that indicates the supported Template Formats. The value 3 represents ANSI/INCITS 377-2004 Finger Pattern-Based Interchange Format. The value 4 represents ANSI/INCITS 378-2004 Finger Minutiae Format for Data Interchange. The value 5 represents ANSI/NIST-ITL 1-2000 Data Format for the Interchange of Fingerprint, Facial, & Scar Mark & Tattoo Information. The value 6 represents ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 37 N340 Biometric Data Interchange Formats Part 2: Finger Minutiae Data. The value 7 represents ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 37 N470 Biometric Data Interchange Formats Part 3: Finger Pattern Spectral Data. The value 8 represents ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 37 N490 Biometric Data Interchange Formats Part 8: Finger Pattern Skeletal Data.
ModelCorrespondencestringCIM_FingerprintMatchingService.TemplateFormat, CIM_FingerprintTemplate.TemplateFormat, CIM_FingerprintMatchingServiceCapabilities.OtherTemplateFormats, CIM_FingerprintMatchingService.OtherTemplateFormat, CIM_FingerprintTemplate.OtherTemplateFormat
ValueMapstring0, 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, .., 32768..65535
ValuesstringUnknown, Other, Finger Pattern-Based Interchange Format, Finger Minutiae Format for Data Interchange, Data Format for the Interchange of Fingerprint, Facial, & Scar Mark & Tattoo Information, Biometric Data Interchange Formats Part 2, Biometric Data Interchange Formats Part 3, Biometric Data Interchange Formats Part 8, DMTF Reserved, Vendor Specified

Inherited Properties

NameData TypeClass Origin

Class Methods

Inherited Class Methods

NameReturn TypeClass Origin