Name | Data Type | Default Value | Qualifiers |
Name | Data Type | Value |
DeleteOnCompletion | boolean | |
Description | string | Indicates whether or not the Job should be automatically deleted upon completion. Note that the 'completion' of a recurring job is defined by its JobRunTimes or UntilTime properties, OR when the Job is terminated by manual intervention. |
ModelCorrespondence | string | CIM_Job.DeleteOnCompletion |
Write | boolean | true |
JobRunTimes | uint32 | 1 |
Description | string | Number of times that a Job should be run. A value of 1 indicates that the Job is NOT recurring, while any non-zero value indicates a limit to the number of times that the Job will recur. Zero indicates that there is no limit to the number of times that the Job can be processed, but that it is terminated either AFTER the UntilTime, or by manual intervention. By default, a Job is processed once. |
Experimental | boolean | true |
ModelCorrespondence | string | CIM_Job.JobRunTimes |
Write | boolean | true |
LocalOrUtcTime | uint16 | |
Description | string | This property indicates whether the times represented in the RunStartInterval and UntilTime properties represent local times or UTC times. Time values are synchronized worldwide by using the enumeration value 2, "UTC Time". |
Experimental | boolean | true |
ValueMap | string | 1, 2 |
Values | string | Local Time, UTC Time |
Write | boolean | true |
Notify | string | |
Description | string | The setting for a Job's Notify property - the user/email to be notified upon a scheduled Job's completion or failure. |
Experimental | boolean | true |
ModelCorrespondence | string | CIM_Job.Notify |
Write | boolean | true |
OtherRecoveryAction | string | |
Description | string | A string describing the recovery action when the instance's RecoveryAction property is 1 ("Other"). |
ModelCorrespondence | string | CIM_JobSettingData.RecoveryAction, CIM_Job.OtherRecoveryAction |
Owner | string | |
Description | string | The setting for a Job's Owner property - the user, service method, etc. that defined this setting data and causes the Job to be created. |
Experimental | boolean | true |
ModelCorrespondence | string | CIM_Job.Owner |
Write | boolean | true |
Priority | uint32 | |
Description | string | Indicates the urgency or importance of execution of the Job, as specified by the user or defining entity. The actual Priority is found in the CIM_Job instance, associated via the ElementSettingData relationship. Unless otherwise specified, a lower number indicates a higher priority. |
Experimental | boolean | true |
ModelCorrespondence | string | CIM_Job.Priority |
Write | boolean | true |
RecoveryAction | uint16 | |
Description | string | Describes the recovery setting if the Job does not successfully complete. The possible values are:
0 = "Unknown", meaning it is unknown as to what recovery action to take
1 = "Other", indicating that the recovery action will be specified in the property, OtherRecoveryAction
2 = "Do Not Continue", meaning stop the execution of the job and appropriately update its status
3 = "Continue With Next Job", meaning continue with the next job in the queue
4 = "Re-run Job", indicating that the job should be re-run
5 = "Run Recovery Job", meaning run the Job associated using the RecoveryJob relationship. Note that the recovery Job MUST already be on the queue from which it will run. |
ModelCorrespondence | string | CIM_JobSettingData.OtherRecoveryAction, CIM_Job.RecoveryAction |
ValueMap | string | 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 |
Values | string | Unknown, Other, Do Not Continue, Continue With Next Job, Re-run Job, Run Recovery Job |
RunDay | sint8 | |
Description | string | The day in the month on which a Job should be processed. There are two different interpretations for this property, depending on the value of RunDayOfWeek. In one case, RunDay defines the day-in-month on which the Job is processed. This interpretation is used when the RunDayOfWeek is 0. A positive or negative integer indicates whether the RunDay should be calculated from the beginning or the end of the month. For example, 5 indicates the fifth day in RunMonth and -1 indicates the last day in the RunMonth.
When RunDayOfWeek is not 0, RunDay is the day-in-month on which the Job is processed, defined in conjunction with RunDayOfWeek. For example, if RunDay is 15 and RunDayOfWeek is Saturday, then the Job is processed on the first Saturday on or AFTER the 15th day in the RunMonth (e.g., the third Saturday in the month). If RunDay is 20 and RunDayOfWeek is -Saturday, then this indicates the first Saturday on or BEFORE the 20th day in the RunMonth. If RunDay is -1 and RunDayOfWeek is -Sunday, then this indicates the last Sunday in the RunMonth. |
Experimental | boolean | true |
MaxValue | sint64 | 31 |
MinValue | sint64 | -31 |
ModelCorrespondence | string | CIM_Job.RunDay, CIM_JobSettingData.RunMonth, CIM_JobSettingData.RunDayOfWeek, CIM_JobSettingData.RunStartInterval |
Write | boolean | true |
RunDayOfWeek | sint8 | |
Description | string | Positive or negative integer used in conjunction with RunDay to indicate the day of the week on which a Job is processed. RunDayOfWeek is set to 0 to indicate an exact day of the month, such as March 1. A positive integer (representing Sunday, Monday, ..., Saturday) means that the day of week is found on or AFTER the specified RunDay. A negative integer (representing -Sunday, -Monday, ..., -Saturday) means that the day of week is found on or BEFORE the RunDay. |
Experimental | boolean | true |
ModelCorrespondence | string | CIM_Job.RunDayOfWeek, CIM_JobSettingData.RunMonth, CIM_JobSettingData.RunDay, CIM_JobSettingData.RunStartInterval |
ValueMap | string | -7, -6, -5, -4, -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 |
Values | string | -Saturday, -Friday, -Thursday, -Wednesday, -Tuesday, -Monday, -Sunday, ExactDayOfMonth, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday |
Write | boolean | true |
RunMonth | uint8 | |
Description | string | The month during which a Job should be processed. Specify 0 for January, 1 for February, and so on. |
Experimental | boolean | true |
ModelCorrespondence | string | CIM_Job.RunMonth, CIM_JobSettingData.RunDay, CIM_JobSettingData.RunDayOfWeek, CIM_JobSettingData.RunStartInterval |
ValueMap | string | 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 |
Values | string | January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December |
Write | boolean | true |
RunStartInterval | datetime | |
Description | string | The time interval after midnight when a Job should be processed. For example,
indicates that the Job should be run on or after two o'clock, local time or UTC time (distinguished using the LocalOrUtcTime property. |
Experimental | boolean | true |
ModelCorrespondence | string | CIM_Job.RunStartInterval, CIM_JobSettingData.RunMonth, CIM_JobSettingData.RunDay, CIM_JobSettingData.RunDayOfWeek, CIM_JobSettingData.LocalOrUtcTime |
Write | boolean | true |
UntilTime | datetime | |
Description | string | The setting for a Job's UntilTime - the time after which an executing Job should be stopped or not be allowed to proceed. This may be represented by an actual date and time, or an interval relative to the ScheduledStartTime. A value of all nines indicates that the Job can run indefinitely. |
Experimental | boolean | true |
ModelCorrespondence | string | CIM_Job.UntilTime, CIM_JobSettingData.LocalOrUtcTime |
Write | boolean | true |