Name | Data Type | Default Value | Qualifiers |
Name | Data Type | Value |
AccessesService | string | |
Deprecated | string | CIM_KerberosCredential.AccessesService |
Description | string | The name of the service for which this ticket is used. |
Key | boolean | true |
MaxLen | uint32 | 256 |
RemoteID | string | |
Deprecated | string | CIM_KerberosCredential.RemoteID |
Description | string | RemoteID is the name by which the user is known at the KDC security service. |
Key | boolean | true |
MaxLen | uint32 | 256 |
ServiceCreationClassName | string | |
Deprecated | string | CIM_KerberosCredential.InstanceID |
Description | string | The scoping Service's CCN. |
Key | boolean | true |
MaxLen | uint32 | 256 |
Propagated | string | CIM_KerberosKeyDistributionCenter.CreationClassName |
ServiceName | string | |
Deprecated | string | CIM_KerberosCredential.InstanceID |
Description | string | The scoping Service's Name. The Kerberos KDC Realm of CIM_KerberosTicket is used to record the security authority, or Realm, name so that tickets issued by different Realms can be separately managed and enumerated. |
Key | boolean | true |
MaxLen | uint32 | 256 |
Propagated | string | CIM_KerberosKeyDistributionCenter.Name |
SystemCreationClassName | string | |
Deprecated | string | CIM_KerberosCredential.InstanceID |
Description | string | The scoping System's CCN. |
Key | boolean | true |
MaxLen | uint32 | 256 |
Propagated | string | CIM_KerberosKeyDistributionCenter.SystemCreationClassName |
SystemName | string | |
Deprecated | string | CIM_KerberosCredential.InstanceID |
Description | string | The scoping System's Name. |
Key | boolean | true |
MaxLen | uint32 | 256 |
Propagated | string | CIM_KerberosKeyDistributionCenter.SystemName |
TicketType | uint16 | |
Deprecated | string | CIM_KerberosCredential.TicketType |
Description | string | The Type of CIM_KerberosTicket is used to indicate whether the ticket in question was issued by the Kerberos Key Distribution Center (KDC) to support ongoing communication between the Users Access and the KDC ("TicketGranting"), or was issued by the KDC to support ongoing communication between two Users Access entities ("Session"). |
ValueMap | string | 0, 1 |
Values | string | Session, TicketGranting |