Class CIM_MetricServiceCapabilities
extends CIM_EnabledLogicalElementCapabilities

MetricServiceCapabilities describes the capabilities of the associated CIM_BaseMetricService.

Table of Contents
Direct Known Subclasses
Class Qualifiers
Class Properties
Class Methods

Class Hierarchy


Direct Known Subclasses

Class Qualifiers

NameData TypeValue
DescriptionstringMetricServiceCapabilities describes the capabilities of the associated CIM_BaseMetricService.

Class Properties

Local Class Properties

NameData TypeDefault ValueQualifiers
NameData TypeValue
DescriptionstringControllableManagedElements identifies the instances of CIM_ManagedElement that can be controlled by the associated CIM_MetricService instance. Each value shall be formatted as a WBEM URI defined according to DSP0207 identifying an instance of CIM_ManagedElement If a value corresponding to an instance of CIM_ManagedElement is included in the ControllableManagedElements property, the associated instance of CIM_MetricService shall support enabling and/or disabling at least one metric defined for the CIM_ManagedElement instance.
DescriptionstringControllableMetrics identifies the instances of CIM_BaseMetricDefinition that can be controlled by the associated CIM_MetricService instance. Each string value shall be formatted as a WBEM URI defined as in accordance with DSP0207 that identifies an instance of CIM_BaseMetricDefinition. An instance of CIM_BaseMetricDefinition shall not be identified by a value of the ControllableMetrics property unless it is associated through CIM_ServiceAffectsElement to the associated instance of CIM_MetricService. If a value corresponding to an instance of CIM_BaseMetricDefinition is included in the ControllableMetrics property, the associated instance of CIM_MetricService shall support enabling and/or disabling at least one metric defined by the CIM_BaseMetricDefinition instance.
DescriptionstringManagedElementControlTypes identifies the type of control supported by the associated CIM_MetricService instance for the CIM_ManagedElement identified by the value at the same array index in the ControllableManagedElements property. A value of 2 "Discrete" shall indicate that individual metrics controlled by the associated instance of CIM_MetricService may be enabled and or disabled for the instance of CIM_ManagedElement identified at the corresponding array index of ControllableManagedElements.A value of 3 "Bulk" shall indicate that all metrics controlled by the associated instance of CIM_MetricService may be enabled and or disabled for the instance of CIM_ManagedElement identified at the corresponding array index of ControllableManagedElements. A value of 4 "Both" shall indicate that all metrics controlled by the associated instance of CIM_MetricService may be enabled and or disabled with a single operation or individually for the instance of CIM_ManagedElement identified by the value at the same array index of ControllableManagedElements.
ValueMapstring0, 2, 3, 4, .., 32768..65535
ValuesstringUnknown, Discrete, Bulk, Both, DMTF Reserved, Vendor Specific
DescriptionstringMetricControlTypes identifies the type of control supported by the associated CIM_MetricService instance for the CIM_BaseMetricDefinition identified by the value at the same array index in the ControllableMetrics property. A value of 2 "Discrete" shall indicate that individual metrics defined by the instance of CIM_BaseMetricDefinition identified at the corresponding array index of ControllableMetrics may be enabled and or disabled by the associated instance of CIM_MetricService.A value of 3 "Bulk" shall indicate that all metrics defined by the instance of CIM_BaseMetricDefinition identified by the value at the same array index of ControllableMetrics may be enabled and or disabled with a single operation. A value of 4 "Both" shall indicate that all metrics defined by the instance of CIM_BaseMetricDefinition identified by the value at the same array index of ControllableMetrics may be enabled and or disabled individually or as a single operation.
ValueMapstring0, 2, 3, 4, .., 32768..65535
ValuesstringUnknown, Discrete, Bulk, Both, DMTF Reserved, Vendor Specific
DescriptionstringEach enumeration corresponds to support for the like-named method of the MetricService.
ValueMapstring2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, .., 0x8000..
ValuesstringControlMetrics, ControlMetricsByClass, ShowMetrics, ShowMetricsByClass, GetMetricValues, ControlSampleTimes, DMTF Reserved, Vendor Specific

Inherited Properties

NameData TypeClass Origin

Class Methods

Inherited Class Methods

NameReturn TypeClass Origin