Class CIM_NextServiceAfterMeter

This association describes a predecessor-successor relationship between a MeterService and one or more ConditioningService objects that process traffic from the meter. For example, for devices that implement preamble marking, the FollowingService reference (after the meter) is a PreambleMarkerService - to record the results of the metering in the preamble. It might be expected that the NextServiceAfterMeter association would subclass from NextService. However, meters are 1:n fan-out elements, and require a mechanism to distinguish between the different results/outputs of the meter. Therefore, this association defines a new key property, MeterResult, which is used to record the result and identify the output through which this traffic left the meter.

Table of Contents
Direct Known Subclasses
Class Qualifiers
Class Properties
Class Methods

Class Hierarchy


Direct Known Subclasses

Class Qualifiers

NameData TypeValue
DescriptionstringThis association describes a predecessor-successor relationship between a MeterService and one or more ConditioningService objects that process traffic from the meter. For example, for devices that implement preamble marking, the FollowingService reference (after the meter) is a PreambleMarkerService - to record the results of the metering in the preamble. It might be expected that the NextServiceAfterMeter association would subclass from NextService. However, meters are 1:n fan-out elements, and require a mechanism to distinguish between the different results/outputs of the meter. Therefore, this association defines a new key property, MeterResult, which is used to record the result and identify the output through which this traffic left the meter.

Class Properties

Local Class Properties

NameData TypeDefault ValueQualifiers
NameData TypeValue
DescriptionstringInformation on the result of the metering. Traffic is distinguished as being conforming, non-conforming, or partially conforming. More complicated metering can be built either by extending the enumeration or by cascading meters.
ValueMapstring0, 1, 2, 3
ValuesstringUnknown, Conforming, Partially Conforming, Non-Conforming

Association References

NameClass OriginReference ClassQualifiers
NameData TypeValue
DescriptionstringThe 'next' or following ConditioningService.
DescriptionstringThe preceding MeterService, 'earlier' in the processing sequence for a packet.

Class Methods