Name | Data Type | Default Value | Qualifiers |
Name | Data Type | Value |
AvailabilityStatus | uint32 | |
Description | string | This property contains detailed availability information for this PrintInputTray, as follows: 1 (Other) means other detailed availability information is present in the OtherAvailabilityStatus property. 2 (Unknown) means detailed availability information for this PrintInputTray is unknown. 3 (AvailableIdle) means this PrintInputTray is available and idle, i.e., not currently in use. 4 (AvailableStandy) means this PrintInputTray is available but on standby, e.g., in a power saving mode. 5 (AvailableActive) means this PrintInputTray is available and active, i.e., currently in use. 6 (AvailableBusy) means this PrintInputTray is available but busy, i.e., not immediately available for its primary function. 7 (UnavailableOnRequest) means this PrintInputTray is not available and is on request, i.e., needs human intervention. 8 (UnavailableBroken) means this PrintInputTray is not available and is broken, e.g., needs repair/replacement. |
MappingStrings | string | MIB.IETF|Printer-MIB.PrtSubUnitStatusTC |
ModelCorrespondence | string | CIM_ManagedSystemElement.OperatingStatus, CIM_PrintInputTray.OtherAvailabilityStatus |
ValueMap | string | 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, .. |
Values | string | Other, Unknown, AvailableIdle, AvailableStandby, AvailableActive, AvailableBusy, UnavailableOnRequest, UnavailableBroken, DMTF Reserved |
CapacityUnit | uint32 | |
Description | string | The unit of measurement for use in calculating and relaying capacity values for this input tray. |
MappingStrings | string | MIB.IETF|Printer-MIB.prtInputCapacityUnit, MIB.IETF|Printer-MIB.PrtCapacityUnitTC |
ModelCorrespondence | string | CIM_PrintInputTray.OtherCapacityUnit |
ValueMap | string | 1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 16, 17, 18, 19, .. |
Values | string | Other, Unknown, TenThousandthsOfInches, Micrometers, Sheets, Feet, Meters, Items, Percent, DMTF Reserved |
CriticalAlertsPresent | boolean | |
Description | string | If true, there are currently critical alerts on this input tray. |
MappingStrings | string | MIB.IETF|Printer-MIB.PrtSubUnitStatusTC |
ModelCorrespondence | string | CIM_ManagedSystemElement.DetailedStatus |
CurrentLevel | uint32 | |
Description | string | The current level of the input tray in units specified by CIM_PrintInputTray.CapacityUnit. If this input tray can reliably sense this value, the value is sensed by the input tray and cannot be changed by the system administrator; otherwise, the value may be changed out-of-band by the system administrator. |
MappingStrings | string | MIB.IETF|Printer-MIB.prtInputCurrentLevel, MIB.IETF|Printer-MIB.prtInputCapacityUnit, MIB.IETF|Printer-MIB.PrtCapacityUnitTC |
MaxValue | sint64 | 2147483647 |
MinValue | sint64 | 0 |
ModelCorrespondence | string | CIM_PrintInputTray.CurrentLevelBasis |
CurrentLevelBasis | uint16 | |
Description | string | The basis for the gauge property CurrentLevel, that specifies whether a meaningful value is available. 1 (Other) means the input tray places no restrictions on capacity and CurrentLevel shall be null. 2 (Unknown) means the input tray cannot sense a meaningful value and CurrentLevel shall be null. 3 (Actual) means the input tray can sense a meaningful value and CurrentLevel shall be present. 4 (AtLeastOne) means that the input tray can only sense that at least one capacity unit remains (i.e., not empty) and CurrentLevel shall be present and shall contain the value zero or one. |
MappingStrings | string | MIB.IETF|Printer-MIB.prtInputCurrentLevel |
ModelCorrespondence | string | CIM_PrintInputTray.CurrentLevel |
ValueMap | string | 1, 2, 3, 4, .. |
Values | string | Other, Unknown, Actual, AtLeastOne, DMTF Reserved |
ElementName | string | |
Description | string | The user-friendly name for this instance of PrintInputTray. In addition, the user-friendly name can be used as an index property for a search or query. (Note: The name does not have to be unique within a namespace.) This name shall be generated as a factory default by the manufacturer and may be changed out-of-band to a site-specific name by the system administrator. |
MappingStrings | string | MIB.IETF|Printer-MIB.prtInputName |
ModelCorrespondence | string | CIM_ManagedElement.ElementName |
Override | string | ElementName |
Required | boolean | true |
IsDefault | boolean | |
Description | string | Denotes whether or not this PrintInputTray is the default PrintInputTray for this Printer. If the default PrintInputTray feature is not supported for this Printer, then this property shall be null. If the default PrintInputTray feature is supported for this Printer, then this property shall be true for at most one instance of CIM_PrintInputTray on this Printer, i.e., the default may not be currently configured. |
MappingStrings | string | MIB.IETF|Printer-MIB.prtInputDefaultIndex |
LocalizedDescription | string | |
Description | string | A free-form text description of this input tray in the localization specified by CIM_Printer.CurrentNaturalLanguage. |
MappingStrings | string | MIB.IETF|Printer-MIB.prtInputDescription, MIB.IETF|Printer-MIB.PrtLocalizedDescriptionStringTC |
MaxLen | uint32 | 255 |
MinLen | uint32 | 0 |
ModelCorrespondence | string | CIM_Printer.CurrentNaturalLanguage |
MaxCapacity | uint32 | |
Description | string | The maximum capacity of the input tray in units specified by CIM_PrintInputTray.CapacityUnit. There is no convention associated with the media itself so this value reflects claimed capacity. If this input tray can reliably sense this value, the value is sensed by the input tray and cannot be changed by the system administrator; otherwise, the value may be changed out-of-band by the system administrator. |
MappingStrings | string | MIB.IETF|Printer-MIB.prtInputMaxCapacity, MIB.IETF|Printer-MIB.prtInputCapacityUnit, MIB.IETF|Printer-MIB.PrtCapacityUnitTC |
MaxValue | sint64 | 2147483647 |
MinValue | sint64 | 0 |
ModelCorrespondence | string | CIM_PrintInputTray.MaxCapacityBasis |
MaxCapacityBasis | uint16 | |
Description | string | The basis for the limit property MaxCapacity, that specifies whether a meaningful value is available. 1 (Other) means the input tray places no restrictions on capacity and MaxCapacity shall be null. 2 (Unknown) means the input tray cannot sense a meaningful value and MaxCapacity shall be null. 3 (Actual) means the input tray can sense a meaningful value and MaxCapacity shall be present. |
MappingStrings | string | MIB.IETF|Printer-MIB.prtInputMaxCapacity |
ModelCorrespondence | string | CIM_PrintInputTray.MaxCapacity |
ValueMap | string | 1, 2, 3, .. |
Values | string | Other, Unknown, Actual, DMTF Reserved |
MediaColor | string | |
Description | string | The name of the color of the media associated with this input tray. The values of this property should conform to the requirements of the PWG Media Standardized Names specification [PWG5101.1], which defines the normative values for this property. |
MappingStrings | string | PWG5101-1.PWG|Media Standardized Names, MIB.IETF|Printer-MIB.prtInputMediaColor |
MaxLen | uint32 | 63 |
MinLen | uint32 | 0 |
MediaName | string | |
Description | string | The descriptive name of the media contained in this input tray. This media name is to be used by a client to format and localize a string for display to a human operator. This media name is not processed by the printer. It is used to provide information not expressible in terms of the other media attributes (e.g., CIM_PrintInputTray.MediaWeight and CIM_PrintInputTray.MediaType). |
MappingStrings | string | MIB.IETF|Printer-MIB.prtInputMediaName |
MaxLen | uint32 | 63 |
MinLen | uint32 | 0 |
MediaSizeName | string | |
Description | string | This property provides the value of the PWG standard or custom media size name of the media that is (or, if empty, was or will be) in this input tray. The values of this property shall conform to the requirements of the PWG Media Standardized Names specification [PWG5101.1], which defines the normative values for this property. If this input tray can reliably sense this value, the value is sensed by the input tray and cannot be changed by the system administrator; otherwise, the value may be changed out-of-band by the system administrator. The empty value means unknown. |
MappingStrings | string | PWG5101-1.PWG|Media Standardized Names, MIB.IETF|Printer-MIB.prtInputMediaDimFeedDirDeclared, MIB.IETF|Printer-MIB.prtInputMediaDimXFeedDirDeclared |
MaxLen | uint32 | 63 |
MinLen | uint32 | 0 |
MediaType | string | |
Description | string | The name of the type of media associated with this input tray. The values of this property should conform to the requirements of the PWG Media Standardized Names specification [PWG5101.1], which defines the normative values for this property. This media type name need not be processed by the printer; it might simply be displayed to an operator. |
MappingStrings | string | PWG5101-1.PWG|Media Standardized Names, MIB.IETF|Printer-MIB.prtInputMediaType |
MaxLen | uint32 | 63 |
MinLen | uint32 | 0 |
MediaWeight | uint32 | |
Description | string | The weight of the media associated with this input tray in grams per square meter. |
MappingStrings | string | MIB.IETF|Printer-MIB.prtInputMediaWeight |
MaxValue | sint64 | 2147483647 |
MinValue | sint64 | 0 |
ModelCorrespondence | string | CIM_PrintInputTray.MediaWeightBasis |
Punit | string | gram / (meter * meter) |
MediaWeightBasis | uint16 | |
Description | string | The basis for the media property MediaWeight, that specifies whether a meaningful value is available. 2 (Unknown) means the input tray cannot sense a meaningful value and MediaWeight shall be null. 3 (Actual) means the input tray can sense a meaningful value and MediaWeight shall be present. |
MappingStrings | string | MIB.IETF|Printer-MIB.prtInputMediaWeight |
ModelCorrespondence | string | CIM_PrintInputTray.MediaWeight |
ValueMap | string | 2, 3, .. |
Values | string | Unknown, Actual, DMTF Reserved |
NonCriticalAlertsPresent | boolean | |
Description | string | If true, there are currently non-critical alerts on this input tray. |
MappingStrings | string | MIB.IETF|Printer-MIB.PrtSubUnitStatusTC |
ModelCorrespondence | string | CIM_ManagedSystemElement.DetailedStatus |
OtherAvailabilityStatus | string | |
Description | string | A free-form string that describes the detailed availability of this PrintInputTray when the value of the AvailabilityStatus property is equal to 1 (Other). |
MaxLen | uint32 | 255 |
MinLen | uint32 | 0 |
ModelCorrespondence | string | CIM_PrintInputTray.AvailabilityStatus |
OtherCapacityUnit | string | |
Description | string | A free-form string that describes the capacity unit when the value of the CapacityUnit property is equal to 1 (Other). |
MaxLen | uint32 | 255 |
MinLen | uint32 | 0 |
ModelCorrespondence | string | CIM_PrintInputTray.CapacityUnit |
OtherTypeDescription | string | |
Description | string | A free-form string that describes the type of technology when the value of the Type property is equal to 1 (Other). |
MaxLen | uint32 | 255 |
MinLen | uint32 | 0 |
ModelCorrespondence | string | CIM_PrintInputTray.Type |
Type | uint32 | |
Description | string | The type of technology (discriminated primarily according to feeder mechanism type) employed by the input tray. |
MappingStrings | string | MIB.IETF|Printer-MIB.prtInputType, MIB.IETF|IANA-PRINTER-MIB.PrtInputTypeTC |
ModelCorrespondence | string | CIM_PrintInputTray.OtherTypeDescription |
ValueMap | string | 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, .. |
Values | string | Other, Unknown, SheetFeedAutoRemovableTray, SheetFeedAutoNonRemovableTray, SheetFeedManual, ContinuousRoll, ContinuousFanFold, DMTF Reserved |