Name | Data Type | Value |
Description | string | Create a new replication group. |
ValueMap | string | 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, .., 0x8000.. |
Values | string | Success, Not Supported, Unknown, Timeout, Failed, Invalid Parameter, In Use, Groups are not nameable, DMTF Reserved, Vendor Specific |
Name | Type | Qualifiers |
Name | Data Type | Value |
DeleteOnEmptyElement | boolean |
Description | string | If true and empty groups are allowed, the group will be deleted when the last element is removed from the group. If empty groups are not allowed, the group will be deleted automatically when the group becomes empty. If this parameter is not NULL, its value will be used to set the group's DeleteOnEmptyElement property. Use the intrinsic method ModifyInstance to change this property after the group is created. |
IN | boolean | true |
DeleteOnUnassociated | boolean |
Description | string | If true, the group will be deleted when the group is no longer associated with another group. This can happen if all synchronization associations to the individual elements of the group are dissolved. If this parameter is not NULL, its value will be used to set the group's DeleteOnUnassociated property. Use the intrinsic method ModifyInstance to change this property after the group is created. |
IN | boolean | true |
GroupName | string |
Description | string | If nameable, an end user relevant name for the group being created. If NULL or not nameable, then system assigns a name. |
IN | boolean | true |
Persistent | boolean |
Description | string | If false, the group, not the elements associated with the group, may be deleted at the completion of a copy operation. Use the intrinsic method ModifyInstance to change Persistencyof a group. |
IN | boolean | true |
ReplicationSettingData | string |
Description | string | If supplied, it provides additional replication settings for the method. For example, to supply the "Description" for the created group. |
EmbeddedInstance | string | CIM_ReplicationSettingData |
IN | boolean | true |
Members | CIM_LogicalElement[] |
Description | string | List of elements to add to the group -- order is maintained. If NULL, the group will be empty -- if empty groups are supported. |
IN | boolean | true |
ReplicationGroup |
CIM_ReplicationGroup |
Description | string | Reference to the created group. |
IN | boolean | false |
OUT | boolean | true |
ServiceAccessPoint |
CIM_ServiceAccessPoint |
Description | string | Reference to access point information to allow the service to create a group on a remote system. If NULL, the group is created on the local system. |
IN | boolean | true |
ModelCorrespondence | string | CIM_ReplicationService.CreateGroup.GroupName |
Name | Data Type | Value |
Description | string | Delete a replication group. |
ValueMap | string | 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, .., 0x8000.. |
Values | string | Success, Not Supported, Unknown, Timeout, Failed, Invalid Parameter, In Use, One or more elements in a replication relationship, DMTF Reserved, Vendor Specific |
Name | Data Type | Value |
Description | string | Add members to an existing replication group. |
ValueMap | string | 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, .., 0x8000.. |
Values | string | Success, Not Supported, Unknown, Timeout, Failed, Invalid Parameter, In Use, Group does not exist, DMTF Reserved, Vendor Specific |
Name | Data Type | Value |
Description | string | Remove members from a replication group. |
ValueMap | string | 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, .., 0x8000.. |
Values | string | Success, Not Supported, Unknown, Timeout, Failed, Invalid Parameter, In Use, Group does not exist, Member not in group, DMTF Reserved, Vendor Specific |
Name | Type | Qualifiers |
Name | Data Type | Value |
DeleteOnEmptyElement | boolean |
Description | string | If true and removal of the members causes the group to become empty, the group will be deleted. Note, if empty groups are not allowed, the group will be deleted automatically when the group becomes empty. If this parameter is not NULL, it overrides the group's property DeleteOnEmptyElement. |
IN | boolean | true |
ReplicationSettingData | string |
Description | string | If supplied, it provides additional replication settings for the method. For example, what should happen OnGroupOrListError. |
EmbeddedInstance | string | CIM_ReplicationSettingData |
IN | boolean | true |
Members | CIM_LogicalElement[] |
Description | string | List of elements to remove from a group. A member can not be removed if it is in a replication relationship. Deleting all members of a group is equivalent to deleting the group if empty groups are not supported by the implementation. |
IN | boolean | true |
ReplicationGroup |
CIM_ReplicationGroup |
Description | string | Reference to an existing replication group. |
IN | boolean | true |
Required | boolean | true |
ServiceAccessPoint |
CIM_ServiceAccessPoint |
Description | string | Reference to access point information to allow the service to access the group on a remote system. |
IN | boolean | true |
ModelCorrespondence | string | CIM_ReplicationService.RemoveMembers.ReplicationGroup |
Name | Data Type | Value |
Description | string | Create (or start a job to create) a new storage object, which is a replica of the specified source storage object (SourceElement). Note that using the input parameter, SyncType, this function can be used to instantiate the replica, and to create an ongoing association between the source and replica. If 0 is returned, the function completed successfully and no ConcreteJob instance created. If 4096/0x1000 is returned, a ConcreteJob is started, a reference to which is returned in the Job output parameter. |
ValueMap | string | 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, .., 4096, 4097..32767, 0x8000.. |
Values | string | Completed with No Error, Not Supported, Unknown, Timeout, Failed, Invalid Parameter, In Use, DMTF Reserved, Method Parameters Checked - Job Started, Method Reserved, Vendor Specific |
Name | Type | Qualifiers |
Name | Data Type | Value |
ElementName | string |
Description | string | A end user relevant name for the element being created. If NULL, then a system supplied default name can be used. The value will be stored in the 'ElementName' property for the created element. |
IN | boolean | true |
Mode | uint16 |
Description | string | Mode describes whether the target elements will be updated synchronously or asynchronously. If NULL, implementaton decides the mode. |
IN | boolean | true |
ModelCorrespondence | string | CIM_Synchronized.Mode |
ValueMap | string | 2, 3, .., 0x8000.. |
Values | string | Synchronous, Asynchronous, DMTF Reserved, Vendor Specific |
ReplicationSettingData | string |
Description | string | If provided, it overrides the default replication setting data for the given SyncType. If not provided, the management server uses the default replication setting data. |
EmbeddedInstance | string | CIM_ReplicationSettingData |
IN | boolean | true |
SyncType | uint16 |
Description | string | SyncType describes the type of copy that will be made. |
IN | boolean | true |
ModelCorrespondence | string | CIM_Synchronized.SyncType |
Required | boolean | true |
ValueMap | string | .., 6, 7, 8, .., 0x8000.. |
Values | string | DMTF Reserved, Mirror, Snapshot, Clone, DMTF Reserved, Vendor Specific |
WaitForCopyState | uint16 |
Description | string | Method must wait until this CopyState is reached before returning. Only a subset of valid CopyStates apply. For example, Initialized: Associations have been established, but there is no data flow. Inactive: Initialization is complete, but the data flow remains idle until it is activated. Synchronized: Replicas are an exact copy of the source. UnSynchronized: Copy operation is in progress. |
IN | boolean | true |
ModelCorrespondence | string | CIM_Synchronized.CopyState |
Job |
CIM_ConcreteJob |
Description | string | Reference to the job (may be NULL if job is completed). |
IN | boolean | false |
OUT | boolean | true |
SourceAccessPoint |
CIM_ServiceAccessPoint |
Description | string | Reference to source access point information. If NULL, service does not need access information to access the source element. |
IN | boolean | true |
ModelCorrespondence | string | CIM_ReplicationService.CreateElementReplica.SourceElement |
SourceElement |
CIM_LogicalElement |
Description | string | The source storage object which may be a StorageVolume or storage object. |
IN | boolean | true |
Required | boolean | true |
Synchronization |
CIM_Synchronized |
Description | string | Reference to the created association between the source and the target element. If a job is created, this parameter may be NULL unless the association is actually formed. |
IN | boolean | false |
OUT | boolean | true |
TargetAccessPoint |
CIM_ServiceAccessPoint |
Description | string | Reference to target access point information. If NULL, service does not need access information to access the target elements. |
IN | boolean | true |
ModelCorrespondence | string | CIM_ReplicationService.CreateElementReplica.TargetElement, CIM_ReplicationService.CreateElementReplica.TargetPool |
TargetElement |
CIM_LogicalElement |
Description | string | Optionally, as an input, refers to a target element to use. As an output, refers to the created target storage element (i.e., the replica). If a job is created, the target element may not be available immediately. |
IN | boolean | true |
OUT | boolean | true |
TargetPool |
CIM_ResourcePool |
Description | string | The underlying storage for the target element (the replica) will be drawn from TargetPool if specified, otherwise the allocation is implementation specific. If a target element is supplied, this parameter shall be NULL. |
IN | boolean | true |
TargetSettingGoal |
CIM_SettingData |
Description | string | The definition for the SettingData to be maintained by the target storage object (the replica). If a target element is supplied, this parameter shall be NULL. |
IN | boolean | true |
Name | Data Type | Value |
Description | string | Create (or start a job to create) a new group of storage objects which are replicas of the specified source storage or a group of source storage objects (SourceElements). Note that using the input parameter, SyncType, this function can be used to instantiate the replicas, and to create an ongoing association between the source(s) and replicas. If 0 is returned, the function completed successfully and no ConcreteJob instance is created. If 4096/0x1000 is returned, a ConcreteJob is started, a reference to which is returned in the Job output parameter. |
ValueMap | string | 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, .., 4096, 4097..32767, 0x8000.. |
Values | string | Completed with No Error, Not Supported, Unknown, Timeout, Failed, Invalid Parameter, In Use, DMTF Reserved, Method Parameters Checked - Job Started, Method Reserved, Vendor Specific |
Name | Type | Qualifiers |
Name | Data Type | Value |
Consistency | uint16 |
Description | string | Overrides the default group consistency. |
IN | boolean | true |
ValueMap | string | 2, 3, .., 0x8000.. |
Values | string | No Consistency, Sequential Consistency, DMTF Reserved, Vendor Specific |
Mode | uint16 |
Description | string | Mode describes whether the target elements will be updated synchronously or asynchronously. If NULL, implementaton decides the mode. |
IN | boolean | true |
ModelCorrespondence | string | CIM_Synchronized.Mode |
ValueMap | string | 2, 3, .., 0x8000.. |
Values | string | Synchronous, Asynchronous, DMTF Reserved, Vendor Specific |
RelationshipName | string |
Description | string | A user relevant name for the relationship between the source and target groups or between a source element and a target group (i.e. one-to-many). If NULL, the implementation assigns a name. If the individual target elements require an ElementName, the implementation constructs an appropriate ElementName using the RelationshipName. For example, RelationshipName as a prefix followed by "_n" sequence number, where n is a number beginning with 1. |
IN | boolean | true |
ReplicationSettingData | string |
Description | string | If provided, it overrides the default replication setting data for the given SyncType. If not provided, the management server uses the default replication setting data. |
EmbeddedInstance | string | CIM_ReplicationSettingData |
IN | boolean | true |
SyncType | uint16 |
Description | string | SyncType describes the type of copy that will be made. |
IN | boolean | true |
ModelCorrespondence | string | CIM_Synchronized.SyncType |
Required | boolean | true |
ValueMap | string | .., 6, 7, 8, .., 0x8000.. |
Values | string | DMTF Reserved, Mirror, Snapshot, Clone, DMTF Reserved, Vendor Specific |
TargetElementCount | uint64 |
Description | string | This parameter applies to one-source-to-many-target- elements. It is possible to create multiple copies of a source element. If TargetGroup is supplied, this parameter shall be NULL. |
IN | boolean | true |
WaitForCopyState | uint16 |
Description | string | Method must wait until this CopyState is reached before returning. Only a subset of valid CopyStates apply. For example, Initialized: Associations have been established, but there is no data flow. Inactive: Initialization is complete, but the data flow remains idle until it is activated. Synchronized: Replicas are an exact copy of the source. UnSynchronized: Copy operation is in progress. |
IN | boolean | true |
ModelCorrespondence | string | CIM_Synchronized.CopyState |
Job |
CIM_ConcreteJob |
Description | string | Reference to the job (may be NULL if job is completed). |
IN | boolean | false |
OUT | boolean | true |
SourceAccessPoint |
CIM_ServiceAccessPoint |
Description | string | Reference to source access point information. If NULL, service does not need access information to access the source element. |
IN | boolean | true |
ModelCorrespondence | string | CIM_ReplicationService.CreateGroupReplica.SourceGroup, CIM_ReplicationService.CreateGroupReplica.SourceElement |
SourceElement |
CIM_LogicalElement |
Description | string | The source storage object which may be a StorageVolume or storage object. If this parameter is not supplied, SourceGroup is required. Both SourceGroup and SourceElement shall not be supplied. |
IN | boolean | true |
SourceGroup |
CIM_ReplicationGroup |
Description | string | A group of source storage objects which may be a StorageVolume or storage object. If this parameter is not supplied, SourceElement is required. Both SourceGroup and SourceElement shall not be supplied. |
IN | boolean | true |
Synchronization |
CIM_Synchronized |
Description | string | Reference to the created group association between the source and the target elements. If a job is created, this parameter may be NULL until the association is actually formed. |
IN | boolean | false |
OUT | boolean | true |
TargetAccessPoint |
CIM_ServiceAccessPoint |
Description | string | Reference to target access point information. If NULL, service does not need access information to access the target element/group. |
IN | boolean | true |
ModelCorrespondence | string | CIM_ReplicationService.CreateGroupReplica.TargetGroup, CIM_ReplicationService.CreateGroupReplica.TargetPool |
TargetGroup |
CIM_ReplicationGroup |
Description | string | Optionally, as an input, refers to a target group to use. As an output, refers to the created target group (i.e., the replica group). If a job is created, the target group may not be available immediately. If TargetGroup is supplied, TargetElementCount shall be NULL. |
IN | boolean | true |
OUT | boolean | true |
TargetPool |
CIM_ResourcePool |
Description | string | The underlying storage for the target elements (the replicas) will be drawn from TargetPool if specified, otherwise the allocation is implementation specific. If target elements are supplied, this parameter shall be NULL. |
IN | boolean | true |
TargetSettingGoal |
CIM_SettingData |
Description | string | The definition for the SettingData to be maintained by the target storage objects (the replicas). If target elements are supplied, this parameter shall be NULL. |
IN | boolean | true |
Name | Data Type | Value |
Description | string | Create (or start a job to create) a new point-in-time representation of a source element. This representation may be of a form of pointers that keep track of data at the time the point-in-time was created, or a series checkpoints that capture the view of data on the source elements at the time of point-in-time. This method does not include a target element, however, a target element can be added subsequently using the ModifySettingsDefineState method. If the method executes successfully, a SettingsDefineState association is created between the source element and the SynchronizationAspect, which will have the datetime of the point-in-time. |
ValueMap | string | 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, .., 4096, 4097..32767, 0x8000.. |
Values | string | Completed with No Error, Not Supported, Unknown, Timeout, Failed, Invalid Parameter, In Use, DMTF Reserved, Method Parameters Checked - Job Started, Method Reserved, Vendor Specific |
Name | Type | Qualifiers |
Name | Data Type | Value |
Consistency | uint16 |
Description | string | Overrides the default group consistency. |
IN | boolean | true |
ValueMap | string | 2, 3, .., 0x8000.. |
Values | string | No Consistency, Sequential Consistency, DMTF Reserved, Vendor Specific |
Mode | uint16 |
Description | string | Mode describes whether the target elements will be updated synchronously or asynchronously. If NULL, implementaton decides the mode. |
IN | boolean | true |
ModelCorrespondence | string | CIM_Synchronized.Mode |
ValueMap | string | 2, 3, .., 0x8000.. |
Values | string | Synchronous, Asynchronous, DMTF Reserved, Vendor Specific |
Name | string |
Description | string | A end user relevant name for the element or relationship being created. If NULL, then a system supplied default name can be used. The value will be stored in the ElementName or relationship name depending on whether an element is created or a group. |
IN | boolean | true |
ReplicationSettingData | string |
Description | string | If provided, it overrides the default replication setting data for the given SyncType. If not provided, the management server uses the default replication setting data. |
EmbeddedInstance | string | CIM_ReplicationSettingData |
IN | boolean | true |
SyncType | uint16 |
Description | string | SyncType describes the type of copy that will be made. |
IN | boolean | true |
ModelCorrespondence | string | CIM_Synchronized.SyncType |
Required | boolean | true |
ValueMap | string | .., 6, 7, 8, .., 0x8000.. |
Values | string | DMTF Reserved, Mirror, Snapshot, Clone, DMTF Reserved, Vendor Specific |
Job |
CIM_ConcreteJob |
Description | string | Reference to the job (may be NULL if job is completed). |
IN | boolean | false |
OUT | boolean | true |
SettingsState |
CIM_SettingsDefineState |
Description | string | Reference to the created association between the source element or group and an instance of SynchronizationAspect. If a job is created, this parameter may be NULL unless the association is actually formed. |
IN | boolean | false |
OUT | boolean | true |
SourceAccessPoint |
CIM_ServiceAccessPoint |
Description | string | Reference to source access point information. If NULL, service does not need access information to access the source element/group. |
IN | boolean | true |
ModelCorrespondence | string | CIM_ReplicationService.CreateSynchronizationAspect.SourceGroup, CIM_ReplicationService.CreateSynchronizationAspect.SourceElement |
SourceElement |
CIM_LogicalElement |
Description | string | The source storage object which may be a StorageVolume or storage object. If this parameter is not supplied, SourceGroup is required. Both SourceGroup and SourceElement shall not be supplied. |
IN | boolean | true |
SourceGroup |
CIM_ReplicationGroup |
Description | string | A group of source storage objects which may be a StorageVolume or storage object. If this parameter is not supplied, SourceElement is required. Both SourceGroup and SourceElement shall not be supplied. |
IN | boolean | true |
Name | Data Type | Value |
Description | string | Modify (or start a job to modify) the synchronization association between two storage objects or replication groups. If 0 is returned, the function completed successfully and no ConcreteJob instance was created. If 0x1000 is returned, a ConcreteJob was started and a reference to this Job is returned in the Job output parameter. A return value of 1 indicates the method is not supported. All other values indicate some type of error condition. |
ValueMap | string | 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, .., 4096, 4097..32767, 0x8000.. |
Values | string | Completed with No Error, Not Supported, Unspecified Error, Timeout, Failed, Invalid Parameter, In Use, DMTF Reserved, Method Parameters Checked - Job Started, Method Reserved, Vendor Specific |
Name | Type | Qualifiers |
Name | Data Type | Value |
Force | boolean |
Description | string | Some operations may cause an inconsistency among the target elements. If true, the client is not warned and the operation is performed. |
IN | boolean | true |
Operation | uint16 |
Description | string | Operation describes the type of modification to be made to the replica and/or to the related associations.
Abort: Abort the copy operation if it is possible. Activate Consistency: if consistency was not requested when CreateGroupReplica was called. If Consistency is already active, no modification is made.
Activate: Activate an inactive or prepared Synchronized association.
AddSyncPair: Add pairs of elements already in a relationship to source and target groups -- see SyncPair parameter.
Deactivate Consistency: Deactivate consistency. If consistency was not enabled, this operation has no effect.
Deactivate: Stop the data flow. Writes to source element are not copied to target. For Snapshots, writes to target are lost as the pointers to changed data are deleted.
Detach: 'Forget' the synchronization between two storage objects. Start to treat the objects as independent.
Dissolve: Dissolve the synchronization between two storage objects, however, the target element continues to exist.
Failover: Use the target element as the source elements.
Failback: Reverse the effect of failback.
Fracture: Suspend the synchronization between two storage objects. The association and (typically) changes are remembered to allow a fast resynchronization. This may be used during a backup cycle to allow one of the objects to be copied while the other remains in production.
RemoveSyncPair: Remove the pair associated via StorageSynchronized from the source and target groups. The pair continue to remain associated but not in the groups.
Resync Replica: Re-establish the synchronization. This will negate the action of a previous Fracture/Split operation. Recreate a Point In Time image for a Snapshot or a Clone replication. Restart a Broken or Aborted synchronization relationship.
Restore from Replica: Renew the contents of the original storage object from a replica.
Resume: Continue the copy operation of a suspended association.
Reset To Sync: Change the Mode of the copy operation to Synchronous (e.g., from the Asynchronous Mode).
Reset To Async: Change the Mode of the copy operation to Asynchronous (e.g., from the Synchronous Mode).
Return to ResourcePool: Dissolve a snapshot and free up its space back to the storage pool.
Reverse Roles: Source element becomes the target element and vise versa.
Split: Same as Fracture, however steps are taken to ensure the target elements are consistent. For example, stop I/O to source elements, wait for in-transit copy operations between source and target elements to stop, then instantly split source/target groups/elements. Suspend: Stop the background copy previously started.
Unprepare: Causes the synchronization to be reinitialized. |
IN | boolean | true |
Required | boolean | true |
ValueMap | string | 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, .., 0x8000..0xFFFF |
Values | string | Abort, Activate Consistency, Activate, AddSyncPair, Deactivate Consistency, Deactivate, Detach, Dissolve, Failover, Failback, Fracture, RemoveSyncPair, Resync Replica, Restore from Replica, Resume, Reset To Sync, Reset To Async, Return To ResourcePool, Reverse Roles, Split, Suspend, Unprepare, DMTF Reserved, Vendor Specific |
ReplicationSettingData | string |
Description | string | If provided, it overrides the default replication setting data for the given SyncType. If not provided, the management server uses the default replication setting data. |
EmbeddedInstance | string | CIM_ReplicationSettingData |
IN | boolean | true |
WaitForCopyState | uint16 |
Description | string | Method must wait until this CopyState is reached before returning. Only a subset of valid CopyStates apply. For example, Initialized: Associations have been established, but there is no data flow. Inactive: Initialization is complete, but the data flow remains idle until it is activated. Synchronized: Replicas are an exact copy of the source. UnSynchronized: Copy operation is in progress. Fractured/Split: Target elements are separated from the source elements. Etc. |
IN | boolean | true |
ModelCorrespondence | string | CIM_Synchronized.CopyState |
SyncPair | CIM_StorageSynchronized[] |
Description | string | This parameter applies to AddSyncPair/RemoveSyncPair Operations. |
IN | boolean | true |
Job |
CIM_ConcreteJob |
Description | string | Reference to the job (may be NULL if the task completed). |
IN | boolean | false |
OUT | boolean | true |
SettingsState |
CIM_SettingsDefineState |
Description | string | Reference to the association between the source element and an instance of SynchronizationAspect. This parameters applies to operations such as Dissolve, which dissolves the Synchronized relationship, but causes the SettingDefineState association to be created. |
IN | boolean | false |
OUT | boolean | true |
Synchronization |
CIM_Synchronized |
Description | string | The reference to the replication association describing the elements/groups relationship. |
IN | boolean | true |
Required | boolean | true |
Name | Data Type | Value |
Description | string | Modify (or start a job to modify) an array of synchronization associations between two storage objects or replication groups. If 0 is returned, the function completed successfully and no ConcreteJob instance was created. If 4096 is returned, a ConcreteJob was started and a reference to this Job is returned in the Job output parameter. A return value of 1 indicates the method is not supported. All other values indicate some type of error condition. |
ValueMap | string | 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, .., 4096, 4097..32767, 0x8000.. |
Values | string | Completed with No Error, Not Supported, Unspecified Error, Timeout, Failed, Invalid Parameter, In Use, DMTF Reserved, Method Parameters Checked - Job Started, Method Reserved, Vendor Specific |
Name | Type | Qualifiers |
Name | Data Type | Value |
Force | boolean |
Description | string | Some operations may cause an inconsistency among the target elements. If true, the client is not warned and the operation is performed. |
IN | boolean | true |
Operation | uint16 |
Description | string | Operation describes the type of modification to be made to the replica and/or to the related associations.
Abort: Abort the copy operation if it is possible. Activate: Activate an inactive or prepared Synchronized association.
Deactivate: Stop the data flow. Writes to source element are not copied to target. For Snapshots, writes to target are lost as the pointers to changed data are deleted.
Detach: 'Forget' the synchronization between two storage objects. Start to treat the objects as independent.
Dissolve: Dissolve the synchronization between two storage objects, however, the target element continues to exist.
Failover: Use the target element as the source elements.
Failback: Reverse the effect of failback.
Fracture: Suspend the synchronization between two storage objects using Mirror or Snapshot replication. The association and (typically) changes are remembered to allow a fast resynchronization. This may be used during a backup cycle to allow one of the objects to be copied while the other remains in production.
Resync Replica: Re-establish the synchronization. This will negate the action of a previous Fracture/Split operation. Recreate a Point In Time image for a Snapshot or a Clone replication. Restart a Broken or Aborted synchronization relationship.
Restore from Replica: Renew the contents of the original storage object from a replica.
Resume: Continue the copy operation of a suspended association.
Reset To Sync: Change the Mode of the copy operations to Synchronous (e.g., from the Asynchronous Mode).
Reset To Async: Change the Mode of the copy operations to Asynchronous (e.g., from the Synchronous Mode).
Return to ResourcePool: Dissolve a snapshot and free up its space back to the storage pool.
Reverse Roles: Source element becomes the target element and vise versa.
Split: Same as Fracture, however steps are taken to ensure the target elements are consistent. For example, stop I/O to source elements, wait for in-transit copy operations between source and target elements to stop, then instantly split source/target groups/elements.
Suspend: Stop the background copy previously started.
Unprepare: Causes the synchronization to be reinitialized. |
IN | boolean | true |
Required | boolean | true |
ValueMap | string | 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, .., 0x8000..0xFFFF |
Values | string | Abort, DMTF Reserved, Activate, DMTF Reserved, DMTF Reserved, Deactivate, Detach, Dissolve, Failover, Failback, Fracture, DMTF Reserved, Resync Replica, Restore from Replica, Resume, Reset To Sync, Reset To Async, Return To ResourcePool, Reverse Roles, Split, Suspend, Unprepare, DMTF Reserved, Vendor Specific |
ReplicationSettingData | string |
Description | string | If provided, it overrides the default replication setting data for the given SyncType. If not provided, the management server uses the default replication setting data. |
EmbeddedInstance | string | CIM_ReplicationSettingData |
IN | boolean | true |
WaitForCopyState | uint16 |
Description | string | Method must wait until this CopyState is reached before returning. Only a subset of valid CopyStates apply. For example, Initialized: Associations have been established, but there is no data flow. Inactive: Initialization is complete, but the data flow remains idle until it is activated. Synchronized: Replicas are an exact copy of the source. UnSynchronized: Copy operation is in progress. Fractured/Split: Target elements are separated from the source elements. Etc. |
IN | boolean | true |
ModelCorrespondence | string | CIM_Synchronized.CopyState |
SettingsState | CIM_SettingsDefineState[] |
Description | string | References to the associations between the source element and an instance of SynchronizationAspect. This parameters applies to operations such as Dissolve, which dissolves the Synchronized relationship, but causes the SettingDefineState association to be created.. |
IN | boolean | false |
OUT | boolean | true |
Synchronization | CIM_Synchronized[] |
Description | string | Array of replication associations describing the elements/groups relationship. All elements of this array shall be the same concrete class, i.e. StorageSynchronized or GroupSynchronized, and shall have the same SyncType, the same Mode, and the Operation must be valid for the ReplicationType -- SyncType, Mode, Local/Remote. |
IN | boolean | true |
Required | boolean | true |
Job |
CIM_ConcreteJob |
Description | string | Reference to the job (may be NULL if the task completed). |
IN | boolean | false |
OUT | boolean | true |
Name | Data Type | Value |
Description | string | Modify (or start a job to modify) the SettingsDefineState association between the storage objects and SynchronizationAspect. The modification could range from introducing the target elements, which creates a new StorageSynchronized association to dissolving the SettingsDefineState association. If 0 is returned, the function completed successfully and no ConcreteJob instance was created. If 4096/0x1000 is returned, a ConcreteJob was started and a reference to this Job is returned in the Job output parameter. A return value of 1 indicates the method is not supported. All other values indicate some type of error condition. |
ValueMap | string | 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, .., 4096, 4097..32767, 0x8000.. |
Values | string | Completed with No Error, Not Supported, Unspecified Error, Timeout, Failed, Invalid Parameter, In Use, DMTF Reserved, Method Parameters Checked - Job Started, Method Reserved, Vendor Specific |
Name | Type | Qualifiers |
Name | Data Type | Value |
Operation | uint16 |
Description | string | Operation describes the type of modification to be made to the related associations.
Activate Consistency: if consistency was not requested when CreateSynchronizationAspect was called. If Consistency is already active, no modification is made.
Deactivate Consistency: Deactivate consistency. If consistency was not enabled, this operation has no effect.
Delete: Remove the SettingsDefineState association.
Copy To Target: Introduces the target elements and forms
the necessary associations between the source and the target elements i.e. StorageSynchronized and GroupSynchronized. |
IN | boolean | true |
Required | boolean | true |
ValueMap | string | 2, 3, 4, 5, .., 0x8000..0xFFFF |
Values | string | Activate Consistency, Deactivate Consistency, Delete, Copy To Target, DMTF Reserved, Vendor Specific |
ReplicationSettingData | string |
Description | string | If provided, it overrides the default replication setting data for the given SyncType. If not provided, the management server uses the default replication setting data. |
EmbeddedInstance | string | CIM_ReplicationSettingData |
IN | boolean | true |
TargetElementCount | uint64 |
Description | string | This parameter applies to one-source-to-many-target- elements. It is possible to create multiple copies of a source element. If TargetCount is supplied, TargetElement and TargetGroup shall be NULL. |
IN | boolean | true |
WaitForCopyState | uint16 |
Description | string | Method must wait until this CopyState is reached before returning. Only a subset of valid CopyStates apply. For example, Initialized: Associations have been established, but there is no data flow. Inactive: Initialization is complete, but the data flow remains idle until it is activated. Synchronized: Replicas are an exact copy of the source. UnSynchronized: Copy operation is in progress. Fractured/Split: Target elements are separated from the source elements. Etc. |
IN | boolean | true |
ModelCorrespondence | string | CIM_Synchronized.CopyState |
Job |
CIM_ConcreteJob |
Description | string | Reference to the job (may be NULL if the task completed). |
IN | boolean | false |
OUT | boolean | true |
SettingsState |
CIM_SettingsDefineState |
Description | string | Reference to the association between the source element and an instance of SynchronizationAspect. |
IN | boolean | true |
Required | boolean | true |
Synchronization |
CIM_Synchronized |
Description | string | The reference to the created replication association describing the elements/groups relationship. |
IN | boolean | false |
OUT | boolean | true |
TargetAccessPoint |
CIM_ServiceAccessPoint |
Description | string | Reference to target access point information. If NULL, service does not need access information to access the target elements/group. |
IN | boolean | true |
ModelCorrespondence | string | CIM_ReplicationService.ModifySettingsDefineState.TargetElement, CIM_ReplicationService.ModifySettingsDefineState.TargetGroup, CIM_ReplicationService.ModifySettingsDefineState.TargetElementCount |
TargetElement |
CIM_LogicalElement |
Description | string | Optionally, as an input, refers to a target element to use. If TargetElement is supplied, TargetGroup and TargetCount shall be NULL. As an output, refers to the created target storage element (i.e., the replica). If a job is created, the target element may not be available immediately. |
IN | boolean | true |
OUT | boolean | true |
TargetGroup |
CIM_ReplicationGroup |
Description | string | Optionally, as an input, refers to a target group to use. If TargetGroup is supplied, TargetElement and TargetCount shall be NULL. As an output, refers to the created target group (i.e., the replica group). If a job is created, the target group may not be available immediately. If TargetGroup is supplied, TargetElementCount shall be NULL. |
IN | boolean | true |
OUT | boolean | true |
TargetPool |
CIM_ResourcePool |
Description | string | The underlying storage for the target element (the replica) will be drawn from TargetPool if specified, otherwise the allocation is implementation specific. If a target element is supplied, this parameter shall be NULL. |
IN | boolean | true |
TargetSettingGoal |
CIM_SettingData |
Description | string | The definition for the SettingData to be maintained by the target storage object (the replica). If a target element is supplied, this parameter shall be NULL. |
IN | boolean | true |
Name | Data Type | Value |
Description | string | Get (or start a job to get) all of the candidate target elements for the supplied source element. If a job is started, once the job completes, examine the AffectedJobElement associations for candidate targets. |
ValueMap | string | 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, .., 4096, 4097..32767, 0x8000.. |
Values | string | Completed with No Error, Not Supported, Unspecified Error, Timeout, Failed, Invalid Parameter, In Use, DMTF Reserved, Method Parameters Checked - Job Started, Method Reserved, Vendor Specific |
Name | Type | Qualifiers |
Name | Data Type | Value |
Mode | uint16 |
Description | string | Mode describes whether the target elements will be updated synchronously or asynchronously. If NULL, the implementation decides. |
IN | boolean | true |
ModelCorrespondence | string | CIM_Synchronized.Mode |
ValueMap | string | 2, 3, .., 0x8000.. |
Values | string | Synchronous, Asynchronous, DMTF Reserved, Vendor Specific |
ReplicationSettingData | string |
Description | string | If provided, it overrides the default replication setting data for the given SyncType. If not provided, the management server uses the default replication setting data. |
EmbeddedInstance | string | CIM_ReplicationSettingData |
IN | boolean | true |
SyncType | uint16 |
Description | string | SyncType describes the type of copy. |
IN | boolean | true |
ModelCorrespondence | string | CIM_Synchronized.SyncType |
Required | boolean | true |
ValueMap | string | .., 6, 7, 8, .., 0x8000.. |
Values | string | DMTF Reserved, Mirror, Snapshot, Clone, DMTF Reserved, Vendor Specific |
Candidates | CIM_LogicalElement[] |
Description | string | The list of the candidate target elements. |
OUT | boolean | true |
TargetPools | CIM_ResourcePool[] |
Description | string | The storage pools for the target elements. If NULL, all storage pools (on the given system) will be examined. |
IN | boolean | true |
Job |
CIM_ConcreteJob |
Description | string | Reference to the job (may be NULL if the task completed). |
IN | boolean | false |
OUT | boolean | true |
SourceElement |
CIM_LogicalElement |
Description | string | The source storage object which may be a StorageVolume or storage object. |
IN | boolean | true |
Required | boolean | true |
TargetAccessPoint |
CIM_ServiceAccessPoint |
Description | string | Reference to access point information. If NULL, only local system is examined. |
IN | boolean | true |
ModelCorrespondence | string | CIM_ReplicationService.GetAvailableTargetElements.TargetSettingGoal, CIM_ReplicationService.GetAvailableTargetElements.TargetPools |
TargetSettingGoal |
CIM_SettingData |
Description | string | Desired target SettingData. If NULL, settings of the source element will be used. |
IN | boolean | true |
Name | Data Type | Value |
Description | string | Get (or start a job to get) all of the peer systems. A peer system is a system that is known and visible to the Replication Service. Peer systems are discovered through discovery services and/or implementation specific services.If a job is started, once the job completes, examine the AffectedJobElement associations for the peer systems. |
ValueMap | string | 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, .., 4096, 4097..32767, 0x8000.. |
Values | string | Completed with No Error, Not Supported, Unspecified Error, Timeout, Failed, Invalid Parameter, In Use, DMTF Reserved, Method Parameters Checked - Job Started, Method Reserved, Vendor Specific |
Name | Data Type | Value |
Description | string | Get (or start a job to get) all of the synchronization relationships known to the processing replication service. If a job is started, once the job completes, examine the AffectedJobElement associations for the synchronization relationships. |
ValueMap | string | 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, .., 4096, 4097..32767, 0x8000.. |
Values | string | Completed with No Error, Not Supported, Unspecified Error, Timeout, Failed, Invalid Parameter, In Use, DMTF Reserved, Method Parameters Checked - Job Started, Method Reserved, Vendor Specific |
Name | Type | Qualifiers |
Name | Data Type | Value |
CopyState | uint16 |
Description | string | Only retrieve synchronization relationships that are currently in this CopyState. If this parameter is not supplied, relationships are retrieved regardless of their current CopyState. |
IN | boolean | true |
ModelCorrespondence | string | CIM_Synchronized.CopyState |
Locality | uint16 |
Description | string | Describes the desired locality. If this parameter is not supplied, all replication relationships are retrieved, regardless of the locality of elements.
Local only: Source and target elements are contained in the same system.
Remote only: Source and target elements are contained in two different systems. |
IN | boolean | true |
ValueMap | string | 2, 3, .., 0x8000.. |
Values | string | Local only, Remote only, DMTF Reserved, Vendor Specific |
Mode | uint16 |
Description | string | Describes the desired mode. If this parameter is not supplied, both synchronous and asynchronous modes are retrieved. |
IN | boolean | true |
ModelCorrespondence | string | CIM_Synchronized.Mode |
ValueMap | string | 2, 3, .., 0x8000.. |
Values | string | Synchronous, Asynchronous, DMTF Reserved, Vendor Specific |
SyncType | uint16 |
Description | string | Describes the desired synchronization type. If this parameter is not specified, all SyncType are retrieved. |
IN | boolean | true |
ModelCorrespondence | string | CIM_Synchronized.SyncType |
ValueMap | string | .., 6, 7, 8, .., 0x8000.. |
Values | string | DMTF Reserved, Mirror, Snapshot, Clone, DMTF Reserved, Vendor Specific |
Type | uint16 |
Description | string | The type of synchronization relationships, for example, StorageSynchronized or GroupSynchronized. If this parameter is not supplied, all such relationships are retrieved. |
IN | boolean | true |
ValueMap | string | 2, 3, .., 0x8000.. |
Values | string | StorageSynchronized, GroupSynchronized, DMTF Reserved, Vendor Specific |
Synchronizations | CIM_Synchronized[] |
Description | string | An array of elements found. |
OUT | boolean | true |
Job |
CIM_ConcreteJob |
Description | string | Reference to the job (may be NULL if the task completed). |
IN | boolean | false |
OUT | boolean | true |
Name | Data Type | Value |
Description | string | Get (or start a job to get) ServiceAccessPoints associated with a peer system. If a job is started, once the job completes, examine the AffectedJobElement associations for the peer system's ServiceAccessPoints. |
ValueMap | string | 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, .., 4096, 4097..32767, 0x8000.. |
Values | string | Completed with No Error, Not Supported, Unspecified Error, Timeout, Failed, Invalid Parameter, In Use, DMTF Reserved, Method Parameters Checked - Job Started, Method Reserved, Vendor Specific |
Name | Data Type | Value |
Description | string | Introduces a new instance of a ServiceAccessPoint, or one of its subclasses, for example, a RemoteServiceAccessPoint in the specified namespace. |
ValueMap | string | 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, .., 0x8000.. |
Values | string | Completed with No Error, Not Supported, Unspecified Error, Timeout, Failed, Invalid Parameter, In Use, DMTF Reserved, Vendor Specific |
Name | Data Type | Value |
Description | string | Create (or start a job to create) new storage objects, which are replicas of the specified source storage objects (SourceElements). Note that using the input parameter, SyncType, this function can be used to instantiate the replicas, and to create an ongoing association between the source and replica elements. If 0 is returned, the function completed successfully and no ConcreteJob instance created. If 4096/0x1000 is returned, a ConcreteJob is started, a reference to which is returned in the Job output parameter. |
ValueMap | string | 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, .., 4096, 4097..32767, 0x8000.. |
Values | string | Completed with No Error, Not Supported, Unknown, Timeout, Failed, Invalid Parameter, In Use, DMTF Reserved, Method Parameters Checked - Job Started, Method Reserved, Vendor Specific |
Name | Type | Qualifiers |
Name | Data Type | Value |
Mode | uint16 |
Description | string | Mode describes whether the target elements will be updated synchronously or asynchronously. If NULL, the implementation decides the mode. The same Mode applies to all elements in the list. |
IN | boolean | true |
ModelCorrespondence | string | CIM_Synchronized.Mode |
ValueMap | string | 2, 3, .., 0x8000.. |
Values | string | Synchronous, Asynchronous, DMTF Reserved, Vendor Specific |
ReplicationSettingData | string |
Description | string | If provided, it overrides the default replication setting data for the given SyncType. If not provided, the provider uses the default replication setting data. The same ReplicationSettingData applies to all SourceElements entries. |
EmbeddedInstance | string | CIM_ReplicationSettingData |
IN | boolean | true |
SyncType | uint16 |
Description | string | SyncType describes the type of copy that will be made. The same SyncType applies to all elements in the list. |
IN | boolean | true |
ModelCorrespondence | string | SNIA_Synchronized.SyncType |
Required | boolean | true |
ValueMap | string | .., 6, 7, 8, .., 0x8000.. |
Values | string | DMTF Reserved, Mirror, Snapshot, Clone, DMTF Reserved, Vendor Specific |
WaitForCopyState | uint16 |
Description | string | Method must wait until this CopyState is reached before returning. Only a subset of valid CopyStates apply. For example, Initialized: Associations have been established, but there is no data flow. Inactive: Initialization is complete, but the copy operation remains idle until it is activated. Synchronized: Replicas are an exact copy of the sources. UnSynchronized: Copy operation is in progress. If this parameter is supplied, then all the created replication relationships shall have this supplied CopyState before the method returns. |
IN | boolean | true |
ModelCorrespondence | string | CIM_Synchronized.CopyState |
ElementNames | string[] |
Description | string | An array of end user relevant names for the elements being created. If NULL, then a system supplied name is used. The value will be stored in the 'ElementName' property for the created element. The first element of the array ElementNames is assigned to the first replica, the second element to the second replica and so on. If there are more SourceElements entries than ElementNames, the system supplied name is used. |
IN | boolean | true |
SourceElements | CIM_LogicalElement[] |
Description | string | A list of source storage objects which may be StorageVolumes or other storage objects. All the source elements shall be of the same type -- for example, all StorageVolumes. |
IN | boolean | true |
Required | boolean | true |
Synchronizations | CIM_Synchronized[] |
Description | string | Reference to the created associations between the source and the target elements. If a job is created, this parameter may be NULL unless the associations are actually formed. |
IN | boolean | false |
OUT | boolean | true |
TargetElements | CIM_LogicalElement[] |
Description | string | Optionally, as an input, refers to the target elements to use. If specified, the elements will match one to one with SourceElements[]. As an output, refers to the created target storage elements (i.e., the replicas). If a job is created, the target elements may not be available immediately. |
IN | boolean | true |
ModelCorrespondence | string | CIM_ReplicationService.CreateListReplica.SourceElements |
OUT | boolean | true |
Job |
CIM_ConcreteJob |
Description | string | Reference to the job (may be NULL if job is completed). |
IN | boolean | false |
OUT | boolean | true |
SourceAccessPoint |
CIM_ServiceAccessPoint |
Description | string | Reference to source access point information. If NULL, service does not need access information to access the source element. This parameter applies to all elements in the source list. |
IN | boolean | true |
ModelCorrespondence | string | CIM_ReplicationService.CreateListReplica.SourceElements |
TargetAccessPoint |
CIM_ServiceAccessPoint |
Description | string | Reference to target access point information. If NULL, service does not need access information to access the target elements. This parameter applies to all elements in the target list. |
IN | boolean | true |
ModelCorrespondence | string | CIM_ReplicationService.CreateListReplica.TargetElements, CIM_ReplicationService.CreateListReplica.TargetPool |
TargetPool |
CIM_ResourcePool |
Description | string | The underlying storage for the target elements (the replicas) will be drawn from TargetPool if specified, otherwise the allocation is implementation specific. If the target elements are supplied, this parameter shall be NULL. This parameter applies to all elements in the target list. |
IN | boolean | true |
TargetSettingGoal |
CIM_SettingData |
Description | string | The definition for the SettingData to be maintained by the target storage objects (the replicas). If the target elements are supplied, this parameter shall be NULL. This parameter applies to all elements in the target list. |
IN | boolean | true |
Name | Data Type | Value |
Description | string | Create (or start a job to create) new storage objects, which are replicas of the specified source storage objects (SourceElements). Note that using the input parameter, SyncType, this function can be used to instantiate the replicas, and to create an ongoing association between the source and replica elements. If 0 is returned, the function completed successfully and no ConcreteJob instance created. If 4096/0x1000 is returned, a ConcreteJob is started, a reference to which is returned in the Job output parameter. This method combines the functionality of CreateGroup and CreateGroupReplica, in one call. |
ValueMap | string | 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, .., 4096, 4097..32767, 0x8000.. |
Values | string | Completed with No Error, Not Supported, Unknown, Timeout, Failed, Invalid Parameter, In Use, DMTF Reserved, Method Parameters Checked - Job Started, Method Reserved, Vendor Specific |
Name | Type | Qualifiers |
Name | Data Type | Value |
Consistency | uint16 |
Description | string | Overrides the default group consistency. |
IN | boolean | true |
ValueMap | string | 2, 3, .., 0x8000.. |
Values | string | No Consistency, Sequential Consistency, DMTF Reserved, Vendor Specific |
Mode | uint16 |
Description | string | Mode describes whether the target elements will be updated synchronously or asynchronously. If NULL, implementaton decides the mode. |
IN | boolean | true |
ModelCorrespondence | string | CIM_Synchronized.Mode |
ValueMap | string | 2, 3, .., 0x8000.. |
Values | string | Synchronous, Asynchronous, DMTF Reserved, Vendor Specific |
RelationshipName | string |
Description | string | A user relevant name for the relationship between the source and target groups or between a source element and a target group (i.e. one-to-many). If NULL, the implementation assigns a name. If the individual target elements require an ElementName, the implementation constructs an appropriate ElementName using the RelationshipName. For example, RelationshipName as a prefix followed by "_n" sequence number, where n is a number beginning with 1. |
IN | boolean | true |
ReplicationSettingData | string |
Description | string | If provided, it overrides the default replication setting data for the given SyncType. If not provided, the management server uses the default replication setting data. |
EmbeddedInstance | string | CIM_ReplicationSettingData |
IN | boolean | true |
SourceGroupName | string |
Description | string | As in parameter, the name of the group to be created. If the name is not supplied, the implementation may assign a group name and return it in this parameter. |
IN | boolean | true |
OUT | boolean | true |
SyncType | uint16 |
Description | string | SyncType describes the type of copy that will be made. |
IN | boolean | true |
ModelCorrespondence | string | CIM_Synchronized.SyncType |
Required | boolean | true |
ValueMap | string | .., 6, 7, 8, .., 0x8000.. |
Values | string | DMTF Reserved, Mirror, Snapshot, Clone, DMTF Reserved, Vendor Specific |
WaitForCopyState | uint16 |
Description | string | Method must wait until this CopyState is reached before returning. Only a subset of valid CopyStates apply. For example, Initialized: Associations have been established, but there is no data flow. Inactive: Initialization is complete, but the data flow remains idle until it is activated. Synchronized: Replicas are an exact copy of the source. UnSynchronized: Copy operation is in progress. |
IN | boolean | true |
ModelCorrespondence | string | CIM_Synchronized.CopyState |
SourceElements | CIM_LogicalElement[] |
Description | string | A list of source storage objects which may be StorageVolumes or other storage objects. All the source elements shall be of the same type -- for example, all StorageVolumes. |
IN | boolean | true |
Required | boolean | true |
Job |
CIM_ConcreteJob |
Description | string | Reference to the job (may be NULL if job is completed). |
IN | boolean | false |
OUT | boolean | true |
SourceAccessPoint |
CIM_ServiceAccessPoint |
Description | string | Reference to source access point information. If NULL, service does not need access information to access the source elements. |
IN | boolean | true |
ModelCorrespondence | string | CreateGroupReplicaFromElements.SourceElements |
Synchronization |
CIM_Synchronized |
Description | string | Reference to the created group association between the source and the target elements. If a job is created, this parameter may be NULL until the association is actually formed. |
IN | boolean | false |
OUT | boolean | true |
TargetAccessPoint |
CIM_ServiceAccessPoint |
Description | string | Reference to target access point information. If NULL, service does not need access information to access the target element/group. |
IN | boolean | true |
ModelCorrespondence | string | CreateGroupReplicaFromElements.TargetGroup, CreateGroupReplicaFromElements.TargetPool |
TargetGroup |
CIM_ReplicationGroup |
Description | string | Optionally, as an input, refers to a target group to use. As an output, refers to the created target group (i.e., the replica group). If a job is created, the target group may not be available immediately. |
IN | boolean | true |
OUT | boolean | true |
TargetPool |
CIM_ResourcePool |
Description | string | The underlying storage for the target elements (the replicas) will be drawn from TargetPool if specified, otherwise the allocation is implementation specific. If target elements are supplied, this parameter shall be NULL. |
IN | boolean | true |
TargetSettingGoal |
CIM_SettingData |
Description | string | The definition for the SettingData to be maintained by the target storage objects (the replicas). If target elements are supplied, this parameter shall be NULL. |
IN | boolean | true |
Name | Data Type | Value |
Description | string | Get (or start a job to get) all of the synchronization relationships known to the processing replication service. If a job is started, once the job completes, examine the AffectedJobElement associations for the synchronization relationships. This method is similar to GetReplicationRelationships, except that this method returns the instances as opposed to object paths. |
ValueMap | string | 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, .., 4096, 4097..32767, 0x8000.. |
Values | string | Completed with No Error, Not Supported, Unspecified Error, Timeout, Failed, Invalid Parameter, In Use, DMTF Reserved, Method Parameters Checked - Job Started, Method Reserved, Vendor Specific |
Name | Type | Qualifiers |
Name | Data Type | Value |
CopyState | uint16 |
Description | string | Only retrieve synchronization relationships that are currently in this CopyState. If this parameter is not supplied, relationships are retrieved regardless of their current CopyState. |
IN | boolean | true |
ModelCorrespondence | string | CIM_Synchronized.CopyState |
Locality | uint16 |
Description | string | Describes the desired locality. If this parameter is not supplied, all replication relationships are retrieved, regardless of the locality of elements.
Local only: Source and target elements are contained in the same system.
Remote only: Source and target elements are contained in two different systems. |
IN | boolean | true |
ValueMap | string | 2, 3, .., 0x8000.. |
Values | string | Local only, Remote only, DMTF Reserved, Vendor Specific |
Mode | uint16 |
Description | string | Describes the desired mode. If this parameter is not supplied, both synchronous and asynchronous modes are retrieved. |
IN | boolean | true |
ModelCorrespondence | string | CIM_Synchronized.Mode |
ValueMap | string | 2, 3, .., 0x8000.. |
Values | string | Synchronous, Asynchronous, DMTF Reserved, Vendor Specific |
SyncType | uint16 |
Description | string | Describes the desired synchronization type. If this parameter is not specified, all SyncType are retrieved. |
IN | boolean | true |
ModelCorrespondence | string | CIM_Synchronized.SyncType |
ValueMap | string | .., 6, 7, 8, .., 0x8000.. |
Values | string | DMTF Reserved, Mirror, Snapshot, Clone, DMTF Reserved, Vendor Specific |
Type | uint16 |
Description | string | The type of synchronization relationships, for example, StorageSynchronized or GroupSynchronized. If this parameter is not supplied, all such relationships are retrieved. |
IN | boolean | true |
ValueMap | string | 2, 3, .., 0x8000.. |
Values | string | StorageSynchronized, GroupSynchronized, DMTF Reserved, Vendor Specific |
Synchronizations | string[] |
Description | string | An array of instances found. |
EmbeddedInstance | string | CIM_Synchronized |
OUT | boolean | true |
Job |
CIM_ConcreteJob |
Description | string | Reference to the job (may be NULL if the task completed). |
IN | boolean | false |
OUT | boolean | true |
Name | Data Type | Value |
Description | string | Modify (or start a job to modify) a list of SettingsDefineState associations. These associations are between the storage objects and SynchronizationAspect. The modification could range from introducing the target elements, which creates a new StorageSynchronized association to dissolving the SettingsDefineState association. If 0 is returned, the function completed successfully and no ConcreteJob instance was created. If 4096/0x1000 is returned, a ConcreteJob was started and a reference to this Job is returned in the Job output parameter. A return value of 1 indicates the method is not supported. All other values indicate some type of error condition. |
ValueMap | string | 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, .., 4096, 4097..32767, 0x8000.. |
Values | string | Completed with No Error, Not Supported, Unspecified Error, Timeout, Failed, Invalid Parameter, In Use, DMTF Reserved, Method Parameters Checked - Job Started, Method Reserved, Vendor Specific |
Name | Type | Qualifiers |
Name | Data Type | Value |
Operation | uint16 |
Description | string | Operation describes the type of modification to be made to the related associations.
Activate Consistency: if consistency was not requested when CreateSynchronizationAspect was called. If Consistency is already active, no modification is made.
Deactivate Consistency: Deactivate consistency. If consistency was not enabled, this operation has no effect.
Delete: Remove the SettingsDefineState association.
Copy To Target: Introduces the target elements and forms
the necessary associations between the source and the target elements i.e. StorageSynchronized and GroupSynchronized. |
IN | boolean | true |
Required | boolean | true |
ValueMap | string | 2, 3, 4, 5, .., 0x8000..0xFFFF |
Values | string | Activate Consistency, Deactivate Consistency, Delete, Copy To Target, DMTF Reserved, Vendor Specific |
ReplicationSettingData | string |
Description | string | If provided, it overrides the default replication setting data for the given SyncType. If not provided, the management server uses the default replication setting data. |
EmbeddedInstance | string | CIM_ReplicationSettingData |
IN | boolean | true |
TargetElementCount | uint64 |
Description | string | This parameter applies to one-source-to-many-target elements. It is possible to create multiple copies of a source element. If TargetCount is supplied, TargetElement and TargetGroup shall be NULL. |
IN | boolean | true |
WaitForCopyState | uint16 |
Description | string | Method must wait until this CopyState is reached before returning. Only a subset of valid CopyStates apply. For example, Initialized: Associations have been established, but there is no data flow. Inactive: Initialization is complete, but the data flow remains idle until it is activated. Synchronized: Replicas are an exact copy of the source. UnSynchronized: Copy operation is in progress. Fractured/Split: Target elements are separated from the source elements. Etc. |
IN | boolean | true |
ModelCorrespondence | string | CIM_Synchronized.CopyState |
SettingsStates | CIM_SettingsDefineState[] |
Description | string | An array of references to the associations between the source elements and instances of SynchronizationAspect. |
IN | boolean | true |
Required | boolean | true |
Synchronizations | CIM_Synchronized[] |
Description | string | The reference to the created replication associations describing the elements/groups relationship. |
IN | boolean | false |
OUT | boolean | true |
TargetElements | CIM_LogicalElement[] |
Description | string | Optionally, as an input, refers to a list of target elements to use. If TargetElements are supplied, TargetGroups and TargetCount shall be NULL. As an output, refers to the created target storage elements (i.e., the replicas). If a job is created, the target elements may not be available immediately. |
IN | boolean | true |
OUT | boolean | true |
TargetGroups | CIM_ReplicationGroup[] |
Description | string | Optionally, as an input, refers to a list of target groups to use. If TargetGroups are supplied, TargetElements and TargetCount shall be NULL. As an output, refers to the created target groups (i.e., the replica groups). If a job is created, the target groups may not be available immediately. If TargetGroups are supplied, TargetElementCount shall be NULL. |
IN | boolean | true |
OUT | boolean | true |
Job |
CIM_ConcreteJob |
Description | string | Reference to the job (may be NULL if the task completed). |
IN | boolean | false |
OUT | boolean | true |
TargetAccessPoint |
CIM_ServiceAccessPoint |
Description | string | Reference to target access point information. If NULL, service does not need access information to access the target elements/group. |
IN | boolean | true |
ModelCorrespondence | string | CIM_ReplicationService.ModifySettingsDefineState.TargetElements, CIM_ReplicationService.ModifySettingsDefineState.TargetGroups, CIM_ReplicationService.ModifySettingsDefineState.TargetElementCount |
TargetPool |
CIM_ResourcePool |
Description | string | The underlying storage for the target element (the replica) will be drawn from TargetPool if specified, otherwise the allocation is implementation specific. If a target element is supplied, this parameter shall be NULL. |
IN | boolean | true |
TargetSettingGoal |
CIM_SettingData |
Description | string | The definition for the SettingData to be maintained by the target storage object (the replica). If a target element is supplied, this parameter shall be NULL. |
IN | boolean | true |
Name | Data Type | Value |
Description | string | Add (or start a job to add) additional service access points (i.e. ProtocolEndpoints) and/or remote systems associations to an existing instance of RemoteReplicationCollection.If 0 is returned, the function completed successfully and no ConcreteJob instance created. If 4096/0x1000 is returned, a ConcreteJob is started, a reference to which is returned in the Job output parameter. If parameter AccessPoints is NULL, then only the RemoteComputerSystem is added for the existing AccessPoints associated to the RemoteReplicationCollection. If RemoteComputerSystem is NULL, then only AccessPoints are added for the existing remote ComputerSystems known to the RemoteReplicationCollection. |
ValueMap | string | 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, .., 4096, 4097..32767, 0x8000.. |
Values | string | Completed with No Error, Not Supported, Unknown, Timeout, Failed, Invalid Parameter, In Use, DMTF Reserved, Method Parameters Checked - Job Started, Method Reserved, Vendor Specific |
Name | Data Type | Value |
Description | string | Create (or start a job to create) a new instance of RemoteReplicationCollection, and optionally supply the remote system and the paths (i.e. ProtocolEndpoints) that are used to perform replication operations to/from the remote system. If 0 is returned, the function completed successfully and no ConcreteJob instance created. If 4096/0x1000 is returned, a ConcreteJob is started, a reference to which is returned in the Job output parameter. Once the job completes, examine the AffectedJobElement associations for the created instance of RemoteReplicationCollection. |
ValueMap | string | 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, .., 4096, 4097..32767, 0x8000.. |
Values | string | Completed with No Error, Not Supported, Unknown, Timeout, Failed, Invalid Parameter, In Use, DMTF Reserved, Method Parameters Checked - Job Started, Method Reserved, Vendor Specific |
Name | Type | Qualifiers |
Name | Data Type | Value |
Active | boolean |
Description | string | If true, the instance of RemoteReplicationCollection will be enabled and allows replication operations to to the remote system. Use the intrinsic method ModifyInstance to change this property after the RemoteReplicationCollection is created. |
IN | boolean | true |
DeleteOnUnassociated | boolean |
Description | string | If true, the instance of RemoteReplicationCollection will be deleted when it is no longer associated to a ServiceAccessPoint. Use the intrinsic method ModifyInstance to change this property after the RemoteReplicationCollection is created. |
IN | boolean | true |
ElementName | string |
Description | string | A end user relevant name for the element being created. If NULL, then a system supplied default name can be used. The value will be stored in the 'ElementName' property for the created element. |
IN | boolean | true |
LocalAccessPoints | CIM_ServiceAccessPoint[] |
Description | string | An array of references to local ServiceAccessPoints (for example, ProtocolEndpoints) that allow communication to the remote system. |
IN | boolean | true |
ModelCorrespondence | string | RemoteComputerSystem |
RemoteAccessPoints | CIM_ServiceAccessPoint[] |
Description | string | An array of references to remote ServiceAccessPoints (for example, ProtocolEndpoints) that allow communication to the remote system. |
IN | boolean | true |
ModelCorrespondence | string | RemoteComputerSystem |
ConnectivityCollection |
CIM_ConnectivityCollection |
Description | string | Reference to the created instance ofRemoteReplicationCollection. |
IN | boolean | false |
OUT | boolean | true |
Job |
CIM_ConcreteJob |
Description | string | Reference to the job (may be NULL if job is completed). |
IN | boolean | false |
OUT | boolean | true |
RemoteComputerSystem |
CIM_ComputerSystem |
Description | string | A reference to the remote system. |
IN | boolean | true |
Name | Data Type | Value |
Description | string | Remove (or start a job to remove) service access points (i.e. ProtocolEndpoints) and/or remote systems associations from an existing instance of RemoteReplicationCollection.If 0 is returned, the function completed successfully and no ConcreteJob instance created. If 4096/0x1000 is returned, a ConcreteJob is started, a reference to which is returned in the Job output parameter. If parameter AccessPoints is NULL, then only the remote ComputerSystem is removed for the existing AccessPoints associated to the RemoteReplicationCollection. If ComputerSystem is NULL, then only AccessPoints are removed from the existing remote ComputerSystems known to the RemoteReplicationCollection. |
ValueMap | string | 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, .., 4096, 4097..32767, 0x8000.. |
Values | string | Completed with No Error, Not Supported, Unknown, Timeout, Failed, Invalid Parameter, In Use, DMTF Reserved, Method Parameters Checked - Job Started, Method Reserved, Vendor Specific |