Class CIM_PrintService
extends CIM_Service

The Service that provides support for printing. The basic assumption of the Printing Model is that a PrintService accepts a PrintJob for processing, using its PrintSAP. The Job is then placed on a PrintQueue (that is indicated by the QueueForPrintService association). Printers take Jobs from Queues (indicated by the PrinterServicingQueue association). The ABNF for CIM references to PWG Standards and MIBs is in the directory '' in the file 'pwg-cim-references-format-20060309.txt'. An example for a MappingStrings reference to a PWG Standard is 'PWG5101-1.PWG|Section 4 Media Color Names'. An example for a MappingStrings reference to a PWG MIB is 'MIB.PWG|PWG-IMAGING-COUNTER-MIB.icMonitorCompletedJobs'.

Table of Contents
Direct Known Subclasses
Class Qualifiers
Class Properties
Class Methods

Class Hierarchy


Direct Known Subclasses

Class Qualifiers

NameData TypeValue
DescriptionstringThe Service that provides support for printing. The basic assumption of the Printing Model is that a PrintService accepts a PrintJob for processing, using its PrintSAP. The Job is then placed on a PrintQueue (that is indicated by the QueueForPrintService association). Printers take Jobs from Queues (indicated by the PrinterServicingQueue association). The ABNF for CIM references to PWG Standards and MIBs is in the directory '' in the file 'pwg-cim-references-format-20060309.txt'. An example for a MappingStrings reference to a PWG Standard is 'PWG5101-1.PWG|Section 4 Media Color Names'. An example for a MappingStrings reference to a PWG MIB is 'MIB.PWG|PWG-IMAGING-COUNTER-MIB.icMonitorCompletedJobs'.

Class Properties

Local Class Properties

NameData TypeDefault ValueQualifiers
NameData TypeValue
DescriptionstringThe description of this specific instance of PrintService. This text shall be generated as a factory default by the manufacturer and may be changed out-of-band by the system administrator.
MappingStringsstringRFC2911.IETF|Section 4.4.6 printer-info
DescriptionstringThe user-friendly name for this instance of PrintService. In addition, the user-friendly name can be used as an index property for a search or query. (Note: The name does not have to be unique within a namespace.) This name shall be generated as a factory default by the manufacturer and may be changed out-of-band to a site-specific name by the system administrator.
MappingStringsstringRFC2911.IETF|Section 4.4.4 printer-name
DeprecatedstringNo value
DescriptionstringNote: The use of this property has been deprecated, due to ambiguity. Print filter information is not available in open standard print protocols (i.e., no known mapping). Deprecated description: Describes the filters that are available within this Print Service. For example, a PrintService can convert a Job that is submitted in one page description language to another, so that it can be passed to an available Printer.
DeprecatedstringNo value
DescriptionstringNote: The use of this property has been deprecated, due to ambiguity. Instead use PrintServiceCapabilities properties (e.g., Finishings). Deprecated description: An array of integers that indicates the capabilities that are supported by this service. Information such as values 'Duplex Printing' or 'Transparency Printing' is specified in this property.
MappingStringsstringMIB.IETF|Printer-MIB.prtInterpreterLangFamily, MIB.IETF|IANA-PRINTER-MIB.PrtInterpreterLangFamilyTC, RFC2911.IETF|Section 4.4.22 document-format-supported
ModelCorrespondencestringCIM_Printer.Capabilities, CIM_PrintJob.Finishing, CIM_PrintService.CapabilityDescriptions
ValueMapstring0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21
ValuesstringUnknown, Other, Color Printing, Duplex Printing, Copies, Collation, Stapling, Transparency Printing, Punch, Cover, Bind, Black and White Printing, One Sided, Two Sided Long Edge, Two Sided Short Edge, Portrait, Landscape, Reverse Portrait, Reverse Landscape, Quality High, Quality Normal, Quality Low
DeprecatedstringNo value
DescriptionstringNote: The use of this property has been deprecated, due to ambiguity. Instead use properties defined in the PrintServiceCapabilities class. Deprecated description: An array of free-form strings that provides more detailed explanations for any of the Printer features that are indicated in the Capabilities array. Note, each entry of this array is related to the entry in the Capabilities array that is located at the same index.
DescriptionstringNote: The use of this property has been deprecated, due to ambiguity. Instead use MimeTypesSupported. Enumerated print languages are only available in the IETF Printer MIB v1/v2 (RFC 1759/3805) and are not available in open standard print protocols (i.e., no known mapping). Deprecated description: An array that indicates the print languages that are supported by the PrintService. A PrintService can support more languages than those available on the underlying Printer through the use of filters. An administrator can also choose to prevent some languages from being exported by the PrintService. Note: For legacy compatiblity reasons, this property is NOT exactly aligned (in order of values) with the authoritative PrtInterpreterLangFamilyTC in the IANA Printer MIB, unlike the newer property PrintInterpreter.LangType (which is exactly aligned with the IANA Printer MIB).
ModelCorrespondencestringCIM_Printer.LanguagesSupported, CIM_PrintJob.Language
ValueMapstring1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, ..
ValuesstringOther, Unknown, PCL, HPGL, PJL, PS, PSPrinter, IPDS, PPDS, EscapeP, Epson, DDIF, Interpress, ISO6429, Line Data, MODCA, REGIS, SCS, SPDL, TEK4014, PDS, IGP, CodeV, DSCDSE, WPS, LN03, CCITT, QUIC, CPAP, DecPPL, Simple Text, NPAP, DOC, imPress, Pinwriter, NPDL, NEC201PL, Automatic, Pages, LIPS, TIFF, Diagnostic, CaPSL, EXCL, LCDS, XES, MIME, TIPSI, Prescribe, LinePrinter, IDP, XJCL, PDF, RPDL, IntermecIPL, UBIFingerprint, UBIDirectProtocol, Fujitsu, PCLXL, ART, CGM, JPEG, CALS1, CALS2, NIRS, C4, XPS, OpenXPS, DMTF Reserved
DescriptionstringAn array of input document formats (MIME types) that are supported by the PrintService.
MappingStringsstringRFC2911.IETF|Section 4.4.22 document-format-supported
ModelCorrespondencestringCIM_Printer.MimeTypesSupported, CIM_PrintJob.MimeTypes, CIM_PrintServiceSettings.DocumentFormat
DescriptionstringAn array of free-form strings that specifies the types and sizes of paper that can be used by Jobs that are submitted to this PrintService. This list can be different than the paper types that are installed on the Printer, because the PrintService can include support for manually making other types available or only a subset of paper types can be exported using this PrintService. The values of the property SHOULD conform to the requirements of the PWG Media Standardized Names specification [PWG5101.1], which defines the normative values for this property. See older Appendix B 'Media Size Names' and Appendix C 'Media Names' of IETF Printer MIB v2 [RFC3805] which list the values of standardized media names defined in ISO DPA [ISO10175].
MappingStringsstringPWG5101-1.PWG|Media Standardized Names, MIB.IETF|Printer-MIB.prtInputMediaName, RFC2911.IETF|, RFC2911.IETF|Section 4.2 Job Template Attributes, RFC2911.IETF|Section 4.2.11 media, RFC2911.IETF|APPENDIX C 'media' keyword values
ModelCorrespondencestringCIM_Printer.PaperTypesAvailable, CIM_PrintJob.RequiredPaperType, CIM_PrintServiceSettings.Media

Inherited Properties

NameData TypeClass Origin

Class Methods

Inherited Class Methods

NameReturn TypeClass Origin