Class CIM_StorageSynchronized
extends CIM_Synchronized

Indicates that two Storage objects were replicated at the specified point in time. If the CopyType property is set to 'Sync' (=3), then synchronization of the Storage objects is preserved.

Table of Contents
Direct Known Subclasses
Class Qualifiers
Class Properties
Class Methods

Class Hierarchy


Direct Known Subclasses

Class Qualifiers

NameData TypeValue
DescriptionstringIndicates that two Storage objects were replicated at the specified point in time. If the CopyType property is set to 'Sync' (=3), then synchronization of the Storage objects is preserved.

Class Properties

Local Class Properties

NameData TypeDefault ValueQualifiers
NameData TypeValue
DescriptionstringCopyType describes the Replication Policy. Values are: Async: create and maintain an asynchronous copy of the source. Sync: create and maintain a synchronized copy of the source. UnSyncAssoc: create an unsynchronized copy and maintain an association to the source.
ValueMapstring2, 3, 4, .., 0x8000..
ValuesstringAsync, Sync, UnSyncAssoc, DMTF Reserved, Vendor Specific
DescriptionstringReplicaType provides information on how the Replica is being maintained. Values are: Full Copy: This indicates that a full copy of the source object is (or will be) generated . Before Delta: This indicates that the source object will be maintained as a delta data from the replica. After Delta: This indicates that the replica will be maintained as delta data from the source object. Log: This indicates that the replica object is being maintained as a log of changes to the source. Not Specified: The method of maintaining the copy is not specified.
ValueMapstring0, 2, 3, 4, 5, .., 0x8000..
ValuesstringNot Specified, Full Copy, Before Delta, After Delta, Log, DMTF Reserved, Vendor Specific
DescriptionstringSyncState describes the state of the association with respect to Replication activity. Values are: Initialized: The link to enable replication is established. PrepareInProgress: Preparation for Replication is in progress. Prepared: All necessary preparation has completed. ResyncInProgress: Synchronization or Resynchronization is in progress. This may be the initial 'copy' or subsequent changes being copied. Synchronized: An Async or Sync replication is currently synchronized. When this value is set, SyncMaintained will be true. FractureInProgress: An operation to fracture an Async or Sync replication is in progress. Fractured: An Async or Sync replication is fractured. QuiesceInProgress: A quiesce operation is in progress. Quiesced: The replication has been quiesced and is ready for a change. RestoreInProgress: An operation is in progress to copy the Synced object to the System object. Idle: The 'normal' state for an UnSyncAssoc replica. Broken: The relationship is non-functional due to errors in the source, the target, the path between the two or space constraints.
ValueMapstring2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, .., 0x8000..
ValuesstringInitialized, PrepareInProgress, Prepared, ResyncInProgress, Synchronized, Fracture In Progress, QuiesceInProgress, Quiesced, Restore In Progresss, Idle, Broken, Fractured, DMTF Reserved, Vendor Specific

Association References

NameClass OriginReference ClassQualifiers
NameData TypeValue
DescriptionstringSyncedElement represents the Storage that is the target of the replication.
DescriptionstringSystemElement represents the Storage that is the source of the replication.

Inherited Properties

NameData TypeClass Origin

Class Methods