Class CIM_SettingContext

Note: The Configuration class is being deprecated in lieu of using a ConcreteComponent relationship to indicate a hierarchy of instances of Setting or SettingData. Therefore, the aggregation of Settings into Configurations is replaced by the ConcreteComponent relationship between instances of Settings and SettingData. Deprecated description: This relationship associates Configuration objects with Setting objects. For example, Settings of a NetworkAdapter could change based on the site or network to which its hosting ComputerSystem is attached. In this case, the ComputerSystem would have two different Configuration objects, corresponding to the differences in network configuration for the two network segments. Configuration A would aggregate a Setting object for the NetworkAdapter when operating on segment "ANet", whereas Configuration B would aggregate a different NetworkAdapter Setting object, specific to segment "BNet". Note that many Settings of the computer are independent of the network Configuration. For example, both Configurations A and B would aggregate the same Setting object for the MonitorResolution of the ComputerSystem.

Table of Contents
Direct Known Subclasses
Class Qualifiers
Class Properties
Class Methods

Class Hierarchy


Direct Known Subclasses

Class Qualifiers

NameData TypeValue
DescriptionstringNote: The Configuration class is being deprecated in lieu of using a ConcreteComponent relationship to indicate a hierarchy of instances of Setting or SettingData. Therefore, the aggregation of Settings into Configurations is replaced by the ConcreteComponent relationship between instances of Settings and SettingData. Deprecated description: This relationship associates Configuration objects with Setting objects. For example, Settings of a NetworkAdapter could change based on the site or network to which its hosting ComputerSystem is attached. In this case, the ComputerSystem would have two different Configuration objects, corresponding to the differences in network configuration for the two network segments. Configuration A would aggregate a Setting object for the NetworkAdapter when operating on segment "ANet", whereas Configuration B would aggregate a different NetworkAdapter Setting object, specific to segment "BNet". Note that many Settings of the computer are independent of the network Configuration. For example, both Configurations A and B would aggregate the same Setting object for the MonitorResolution of the ComputerSystem.

Class Properties

Association References

NameClass OriginReference Class

Class Methods