Class CIM_Configuration
extends CIM_ManagedElement

Note: The use of CIM_Configuration is deprecated in favor of aggregating instances of Setting or SettingData into "higher-level" Settings or SettingData objects using the ConcreteComponent association. This association simplifies the use of Settings or SettingData. With Configurations serving as aggregations of Settings (as defined by the Configuration Component relationship), separate associations were needed for the aggregation and to tie an element to either its Configurations or Settings or SettingData. These separate associations introduced unnecessary complexity and redundancy into the model. Deprecated description: The Configuration object allows the grouping of sets of parameters (defined in Setting objects) and dependencies for one or more ManagedSystemElements. It represents a certain behavior or a desired functional state for the ManagedSystemElements. The desired functional state of the Configuration is typically driven by external requirements such as time or location. For example, to connect to a Mail System from home, a dependency on a modem exists, but a dependency on a network adapter exists at work. Settings for the pertinent LogicalDevices (in this example, POTSModem and NetworkAdapter) can be defined and aggregated by the Configuration. Therefore, two "Connect to Mail" Configurations can be defined by grouping the relevant dependencies and Setting objects.

Table of Contents
Direct Known Subclasses
Class Qualifiers
Class Properties
Class Methods

Class Hierarchy


Direct Known Subclasses

Class Qualifiers

NameData TypeValue
DeprecatedstringCIM_SettingData, CIM_Setting
DescriptionstringNote: The use of CIM_Configuration is deprecated in favor of aggregating instances of Setting or SettingData into "higher-level" Settings or SettingData objects using the ConcreteComponent association. This association simplifies the use of Settings or SettingData. With Configurations serving as aggregations of Settings (as defined by the Configuration Component relationship), separate associations were needed for the aggregation and to tie an element to either its Configurations or Settings or SettingData. These separate associations introduced unnecessary complexity and redundancy into the model. Deprecated description: The Configuration object allows the grouping of sets of parameters (defined in Setting objects) and dependencies for one or more ManagedSystemElements. It represents a certain behavior or a desired functional state for the ManagedSystemElements. The desired functional state of the Configuration is typically driven by external requirements such as time or location. For example, to connect to a Mail System from home, a dependency on a modem exists, but a dependency on a network adapter exists at work. Settings for the pertinent LogicalDevices (in this example, POTSModem and NetworkAdapter) can be defined and aggregated by the Configuration. Therefore, two "Connect to Mail" Configurations can be defined by grouping the relevant dependencies and Setting objects.

Class Properties

Local Class Properties

NameData TypeDefault ValueQualifiers
NameData TypeValue
DeprecatedstringCIM_SettingData.InstanceID, CIM_Setting.SettingID
DescriptionstringNote: The use of this element is deprecated. Deprecated description: The label by which the Configuration object is known.

Inherited Properties

NameData Type

Class Methods