Class CIM_FSQuotaConfigEntry
extends CIM_SettingData

Instances of this class represent single lines in a quota system configuration file. The user, group, tree and filesystem that the quota applies to are discovered by following associations.

Table of Contents
Direct Known Subclasses
Class Qualifiers
Class Properties
Class Methods

Class Hierarchy


Direct Known Subclasses

Class Qualifiers

NameData TypeValue
DescriptionstringInstances of this class represent single lines in a quota system configuration file. The user, group, tree and filesystem that the quota applies to are discovered by following associations.

Class Properties

Local Class Properties

NameData TypeDefault ValueQualifiers
NameData TypeValue
DescriptionstringWhether or not tracking is being done against this quota entry. Some systems do not allow turning quotas on and off per entry. This property is therefore optional and may therefore be NULL. A system that does not support this property MUST return an error upon an attempt to set it. See the discussion in the FSQuotaManagementService class MOF.
DescriptionstringWhether or not this is a default quota. A default user quota applies to every user not governed by a specific quota entry, within the scope of the associated ManagedElement. A default group quota applies to every group not governed by a specific quota entry. Default quotas MUST NOT be associated to an FSDomainIdentity instance. A system that does not support default quotas MUST return an error upon an attempt to set one. See the discussion in the FSQuotaManagementService class MOF.
DescriptionstringThe Name of the FileSystem over which this quota is monitored. This property is optional and may therefore be NULL. However, providers SHOULD populate this property whenever possible.
DescriptionstringAn opaque identifier for the entry. Some systems assign a unique identifier to quota entries, while others will have to concatenate several partial keys to achieve uniqueness.
DescriptionstringWhether or not thresholds on this quota are being enforced. Sometimes quota systems are used simply to track usage, and in this case the records in a quota report will report a monitor-only quota. This property is optional and may therefore be NULL. A system that does not support this property MUST return an error upon an attempt to set it. See the discussion in the FSQuotaManagementService class MOF.
DescriptionstringThe UID/GID/SID of the principal, if PrincipalType is 'User' or 'Group'. This property MUST be NULL if the quota in question is a Tree quota.
DescriptionstringThe type of quota to create. Quotas are set either on users or groups or trees, in the filesystem world. A system that does not support a value given for this property MUST return an error upon an attempt to set it. See the discussion in the FSQuotaManagementService class MOF.
ValueMapstring0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, .., 0x8000..
ValuesstringUnknown, Other, User, Group, Tree, User-tree, Group-tree, Reserved, Vendor Defined
DescriptionstringSome systems automatically convert soft limits into hard limits after the soft limit has been exceeded for some period of time. If present, this DateTime value specifies the length of this grace period. This property is optional and may therefore be NULL. A system that does not support this property MUST return an error upon an attempt to set it. See the discussion in the FSQuotaManagementService class MOF.
DescriptionstringThe tree (as represented by a pathname) over which the quota is monitored. This property may be NULL, indicating that the quota is over the entire ManagedElement whose InstanceID and ElementName are cited.
DescriptionstringThe hard limit for this quota. What it means when this limit is exceeded is system dependent. This property is optional and may therefore be NULL. If it is NULL, the system MUST NOT attach a hard quota to the combination of ManagedElement, tree and principal specified by this quota entry, as a result of setting it.
DescriptionstringThe type of resource whose consumption is being managed. More than one resource type may be specified in a given quota entry. A system that does not support a type given in this property MUST return an error upon an attempt to set it. See the discussion in the FSQuotaManagementService class MOF.
ModelCorrespondencestringCIM_FSQuotaConfigEntry.SoftLimit, CIM_FSQuotaConfigEntry.HardLimit
ValueMapstring0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, .., 0x8000
ValuesstringUnknown, Other, Bytes, Files, Directories, Files+Directories, Inodes, Reserved, Vendor Defined
DescriptionstringThe soft limit for this quota. What it means when this limit is exceeded is system dependent. This property is optional and may therefore be NULL. If it is NULL, the system MUST NOT attach a soft quota to the combination of ManagedElement, tree and principal specified by this quota entry, as a result of setting it.

Inherited Properties

NameData Type

Class Methods