Description | string | Provides configuration support for importing and hosting FileShares exported from other ComputerSystems. FileImportService is the base class managing the client-side application in a client-server-based shared file system. A FileImportService is hosted by a ComputerSystem and supports 'mounting' (binding to a name in a local namespace) a FileSystem element or a FileShare element exported by a remote ComputerSystem host. Specifically this local name will be a LogicalFile sub-element of a FileSystem hosted by the local ComputerSystem. The relationship between the mount-point and the Share is represented by a CIM_ImportedShare association.
The FileSystem required here only needs to support a namespace for a LogicalFile (it need not support the full complexity of a LocalFileSystem, for instance, real storage). The namespace could be constructed using any provider-specific algorithm - if it is based on LocalFileSystem, it would be configured by a FileSystemConfigurationService, hosted by the same ComputerSystem, on a StorageExtent, also hosted by that ComputerSystem.
The remote Share is identified by a durable Id - this is a string that represents a path that uniquely identifies the remote Share. |