Class CIM_FileSystemReplicationCapabilities
extends CIM_Capabilities

This subclass defines the replication capabilities of a ReplicationService. Multiple instances of FileSystemReplicationCapabilities may be associated with a ReplicationService using ElementCapabilities. A provider should create one instance for each supported SynchronizationType.

Table of Contents
Direct Known Subclasses
Class Qualifiers
Class Properties
Class Methods

Class Hierarchy


Direct Known Subclasses

Class Qualifiers

NameData TypeValue
DescriptionstringThis subclass defines the replication capabilities of a ReplicationService. Multiple instances of FileSystemReplicationCapabilities may be associated with a ReplicationService using ElementCapabilities. A provider should create one instance for each supported SynchronizationType.

Class Properties

Local Class Properties

NameData TypeDefault ValueQualifiers
NameData TypeValue
DescriptionstringTrue indicates peer-to-peer connections are bi-directional. False indicates connections are uni-directional.
DescriptionstringDeltaReplicaPool indicates that a specialized pool is required as a container for delta replica elements. Values: Any: delta replicas can be created in any pool. Exclusive: one specialized, exclusive pool must be created for each source element that has associated delta replicas. Shared: one specialized, shared pool must be created to be shared by all source elements with associated delta replicas.
ValueMapstring2, 3, 4, .., 0x8000..
ValuesstringAny, Exclusive, Shared, DMTF Reserved, Vendor Specific
DescriptionstringTrue indicates all delta replicas associated with the same source element can be incrementally dependent. Only the oldest replica in the set may be deleted or resynced.
DescriptionstringInitialReplicationState specifies which initial ReplicationState is supported by a particular provider. Values are: Initialized: The replication relationship is known and unsynchronized, but time required to synchronize may be long. Prepared: The replication relationship is known and unsynchronized and the time required to synchronize will be short. Synchronized: The replicas are synchronized.Idle: an UnSyncAssoc replica is ready to manage.
ValueMapstring2, 3, 4, 5, .., 0x8000..0xFFFF
ValuesstringInitialized, Prepared, Synchronized, Idle, DMTF Reserved, Vendor Specific
DescriptionstringTrue indicates local mirror can be snapshot source.
DescriptionstringWarning threshold for generating an indication for RemainingManagedSpace. Value of zero means no warning generated.Triggered when RemainingManagedSpace <= (TotalManagedSpace*LowSpaceWarningThreshold)/100.
DescriptionstringMaximum number of peer-to-peer connections to which a port maybe assigned.
DescriptionstringMaximum local mirror replication depth allowed by this instance of ReplicationService. Value 1 indicates multi-level replication not supported.
DescriptionstringMaximum number of peer connections supported by this instance of StorageConfigurationService.
DescriptionstringMaximum number of port pairs assigned to a peer-to-peer connection.
DescriptionstringMaximum remote mirror replication depth allowed by this instance of ReplicationService. Value N means that remote replicas can span N linked peer-to-peer connections. Value 1 indicates multi-level replication not supported.
DescriptionstringMaximum number of replicas that can be associated with one source element.
DescriptionstringTrue indicates replicas can persist during power off or system reset. False indicates replicas lost during these events.
DescriptionstringTrue indicates remote mirror can be snapshot source.
DescriptionstringIndicates host access restrictions for replicas with these capabilities. Values: 2 = not accessible. 3 = no restrictions. Any host may access. 4 = only accessible by associated source element hosts. 5 = not accessible by source element hosts. Other hosts OK.
ValueMapstring2, 3, 4, 5, ..
ValuesstringNot Accessible, No Restrictions, Source Hosts Only, Source Hosts Excluded, DMTF Reserved
DescriptionstringReplicationPriority allows the priority of background Replication I/O to be managed relative to host I/O. Default applies to initial or deferred background Replication operations. Value can be modified while in Replication-in-progress state. Values Low Replication engine I/O lower priority than host I/O. Same Replication engine I/O has the same priority as host I/O. High Replication engine I/O has higher priority than host I/O.
ValueMapstring0, 1, 2, 3, .., 0x8000..
ValuesstringNot Managed, Low, Same, High, DMTF Reserved, Vendor Specific
DescriptionstringTrue indicates space limits on allocation from StoragePools may be enforced.
DescriptionstringWarning threshold for instance modification indication for SpaceConsumed by a replica element. Value of zero means no warning generated. Triggered when SpaceConsumed >= (SpaceLimit*SpaceLimitWarningThreshold)/100.
DescriptionstringTrue indicates space reserved for replicas can be from a specialized pool.
DescriptionstringEnumeration indicating the supported SyncType/Mode/Local-or-Remote combinations.
ValueMapstring2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, .., 0x8000..
ValuesstringSynchronous Mirror Local, Asynchronous Mirror Local, Synchronous Mirror Remote, Asynchronous Mirror Remote, Synchronous Snapshot Local, Asynchronous Snapshot Local, Synchronous Snapshot Remote, Asynchronous Snapshot Remote, Synchronous Clone Local, Asynchronous Clone Local, Synchronous Clone Remote, Asynchronous Clone Remote, DMTF Reserved, Vendor Specific
DescriptionstringLists the replica synchronization states in which the provider allows host access to replicas. Accessibility does not guarantee replica contents are valid or consistent.
ValueMapstring2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, .., 0x8000..
ValuesstringInitialized, Unsynchronized, Synchronized, Broken, Fractured, Split, Inactive, Suspended, Failedover, Prepared, Aborted, Skewed, Mixed, Not Applicable, Partitioned, Invalid, Restored, DMTF Reserved, Vendor Specific
DescriptionstringEnumeration indicating what operations will be executed as asynchronous jobs. If an operation is included in both this and SupportedSynchronousActions properties then the underlying implementation is indicating that it may or may not create a job. Note: the following methods are not supported asynchronously, hence the gap between 11 and 19: - CreateGroup - DeleteGroup - AddMembers - RemoveMembers - AddReplicationEntity - AddServiceAccessPoint - AddSharedSecret.
ValueMapstring2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, .., 0x8000..
ValuesstringCreateElementReplica, CreateGroupReplica, CreateSynchronizationAspect, ModifyReplicaSynchronization, ModifyListSynchronization, ModifySettingsDefineState, GetAvailableTargetElements, GetPeerSystems, GetReplicationRelationships, GetServiceAccessPoints, CreateListReplica, CreateGroupReplicaFromElements, GetReplicationRelationshipInstances, ModifyListSettingsDefineState, CreateRemoteReplicationCollection, AddToRemoteReplicationCollection, RemoveFromRemoteReplicationCollection, DMTF Reserved, Vendor Specific
DescriptionstringAn array of Supported Operations. Abort: Abort the copy operation if it is possible. Activate Consistency: Ensure all target elements of a group are consistent. Activate: Activate an inactive or prepared source and target association. AddSyncPair: Add elements associated via FileSystemSynchronized to source and target groups. Deactivate Consistency: Disable consistency. Deactivate: Deactivate a source and target association. The writes to the target are deleted in the case of a snapshot. Detach: Remove the association between source and target. Dissolve: Dissolve the synchronization between two storage objects, however, the target element continues to exist. Failover: Switch to target element instead of source. Failback: Reverses the effects of failover. Fracture: Separate target element from source element. RemoveSyncPair: Remove pair of source and target elements from the source/target groups. Resync Replica: Synchronize a fractured/split source and target elements. Restore from Replica: Copy data from a fractured target back to source. Resume: Continue an association that was suspended. Reset To Sync: Change mode to synchronous. Reset To Async: Change mode to asynchronous. Reverse Roles: Make target the source and source the target. Return To ResourcePool: Applies to Snapshot -- delete the target element and its replication association. Split: Similar to Fracture, however, the provider needs to make sure whether there are pending I/O in transit before fracturing the connection. Suspend: Stop the copy operations to the target element. Continue when the operations is resumed. Unprepare: Causes the synchronization to be reinitialized and stop in Prepared state.
ValueMapstring2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, .., 0x8000..0xFFFF
ValuesstringAbort, Activate Consistency, Activate, AddSyncPair, Deactivate Consistency, Deactivate, Detach, Dissolve, Failover, Failback, Fracture, RemoveSyncPair, Resync Replica, Restore from Replica, Resume, Reset To Sync, Reset To Async, Return To ResourcePool, Reverse Roles, Split, Suspend, Unprepare, DMTF Reserved, Vendor Specific
DescriptionstringEnumeration indicating what operations will be executed synchronously -- without the creation of a job. If an operation is included in both this property and SupportedAsynchronousActions then the underlying implementation is indicating that it may or may not create a job.
ValueMapstring2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, .., 0x8000..
ValuesstringCreateElementReplica, CreateGroupReplica, CreateSynchronizationAspect, ModifyReplicaSynchronization, ModifyListSynchronization, ModifySettingsDefineState, GetAvailableTargetElements, GetPeerSystems, GetReplicationRelationships, GetServiceAccessPoints, CreateGroup, DeleteGroup, AddMembers, RemoveMembers, AddReplicationEntity, AddServiceAccessPoint, AddSharedSecret, CreateListReplica, CreateGroupReplicaFromElements, GetReplicationRelationshipInstances, ModifyListSettingsDefineState, CreateRemoteReplicationCollection, AddToRemoteReplicationCollection, RemoveFromRemoteReplicationCollection, DMTF Reserved, Vendor Specific

Inherited Properties

NameData Type

Class Methods

Inherited Class Methods

NameReturn Type