Class CIM_MPLSTunnel
extends CIM_EnabledLogicalElement

This class represents an MPLS traffic engineering tunnel as defined in RFC 3031.

Table of Contents
Direct Known Subclasses
Class Qualifiers
Class Properties
Class Methods

Class Hierarchy


Direct Known Subclasses

Class Qualifiers

NameData TypeValue
DescriptionstringThis class represents an MPLS traffic engineering tunnel as defined in RFC 3031.

Class Properties

Local Class Properties

NameData TypeDefault ValueQualifiers
NameData TypeValue
DescriptionstringActive bandwidth for this tunnel in kilobits per second. If the tunnel is not yet Established, then this property has no meaning. Knowing current Bandwidth is important because several path options may be configured for the tunnel. Note that it is possible to signal 0 bandwidth for a pure best- effort tunnel.
PUnitstringbit / second * 10^3
UnitsstringKiloBits per Second
DescriptionstringThe bandwidth property denotes the complete bandwidth (in kilobits per second) required to be transported by the tunnel. Note, that the bandwidth is not directly implemented/ configured in a router, but the MPLSTunnel's Reserved Bandwidth property might be derived from this information.
PUnitstringbit / second * 10^3
UnitsstringKiloBits per Second
DescriptionstringID of egress LSR.
DescriptionstringThe canonical name assigned to the tunnel. This name can be used to refer to the tunnel on the LSR's console port.
DescriptionstringBoolean indicating whether or not the tunnel is currently signaled. Note that if the tunnel is not established, then the OperationalStatus properties inherited from Managed SystemElement have no meaning.
DescriptionstringResource classes and resource class affinities are described in [RFC2702]. Resource classes can be associated with links and advertised in routing protocols. Resource class affinities are used by RSVP-TE [RFC3209]. In order to be used, a link MUST pass three tests. One of them is against this property. ExcludeAllAffinity is one type of resource class affinity. It specifies a set of attribute filters for the tunnel, and a match on any of the filters renders a link unacceptable (it is excluded for consideration). This test takes the form, (MPLSProtocolEndpoint.ResourceClass & ExcludeAllAffinity) == 0.
DescriptionstringProperty to indicate the holding priority of an established tunnel. If the tunnel is not yet established, this property has no meaning. A new tunnel is allowed to preempt the resources of this tunnel only if its SetupPriority is smaller than the HoldingPriority of the established one. (See RFC3209 for additional information.) The value 0 is the highest priority.
DescriptionstringResource classes and resource class affinities are described in [RFC2702]. Resource classes can be associated with links and advertised in routing protocols. Resource class affinities are used by RSVP-TE [RFC3209]. In order to be used, a link MUST pass three tests. One of them against this property. IncludeAllAffinity is one type of resource class affinity. It specifies a set of attribute filters for the tunnel, and all of the filters must match for a link to be acceptable (i.e., pass this test). If IncludeAllAffinity is zero, then the test automatically passes. The test takes the form, (IncludeAllAffinity == 0) || (((MPLSProtocolEndpoint.ResourceClass & IncludeAllAffinity) ^ IncludeAllAffinity) == 0)
DescriptionstringResource classes and resource class affinities are described in [RFC2702]. Resource classes can be associated with links and advertised in routing protocols. Resource class affinities are used by RSVP-TE [RFC3209]. In order to be used, a link MUST pass three tests. One of them against this property. IncludeAnyAffinity is one type of resource class affinity. It specifies a set of attribute filters for the tunnel, and any of the filters must match for a link to be acceptable (i.e., pass this test). If IncludeAllAffinity is zero, then the test automatically passes. The test takes the form, (IncludeAnyAffinity == 0) || ((MPLSProtocolEndpoint.ResourceClass & IncludeAnyAffinity) != 0)
DescriptionstringThe purpose of this object is to uniquely identity a tunnel within a network. When the MPLS signaling protocol is rsvp(3), this value SHOULD mimic the Extended Tunnel Id field in the SESSION object. When the MPLS signaling protoocol is crldp(4), this value SHOULD mimic the Ingress LSR Router ID field in the LSPID TLV object.
DescriptionstringFlag to indicate that the tunnel ingress node may choose to reroute this tunnel without tearing it down.
DescriptionstringInstanceID opaquely identifies a unique instance of SettingData. The InstanceID must be unique within a namespace. In order to ensure uniqueness, the value of InstanceID SHOULD be constructed in the following manner: <Vendor ID><ID> <Vendor ID> MUST include a copyrighted, trademarked or otherwise unique name that is owned by the business entity or a registered ID that is assigned to the business entity that is defining the InstanceID. (This is similar to the <Schema Name>_<Class Name> structure of Schema class names). The purpose of <Vendor ID> is to ensure that <ID> is truly unique across multiple vendor implementations. If such a name is not used, the defining entity MUST assure that the <ID> portion of the Instance ID is unique when compared with other instance providers. For DMTF defined instances, the <Vendor ID> is 'CIM'. <ID> MUST include a vendor specified unique identifier.
DescriptionstringIn some situations, it is necessary to reroute a tunnel without disrupting traffic. This flag indicates whether the tunnel's route is adaptive.
DescriptionstringFlag to indicate whether the route for the tunnel is selected dynamically based on routing protocols - as opposed to being specified 'statically' via configuration, where a network operator or other external entity specifies the path of the tunnel hop by hop.
DescriptionstringFlag to indicate that this tunnel should be restored automatically after a failure occurs.
DescriptionstringFlag to indicate whether the loosely-routed hops of this tunnel are to be pinned.
DescriptionstringThe IsResilient property indicates the recovery procedure to be applied to tunnels whose paths are impacted by faults. More specifically, it contains a boolean value that determines whether the tunnel is to be rerouted or not, when segments of its path fail. If set to true, the tunnel should be rerouted in case of failure; if false, it should not (which means that other means are applied, e.g. lower layer technologies for rerouting.)
DescriptionstringFlag to indicate that transit routers are permitted to use a local repair mechanism which may result in violation of the explicit routing of this tunnel. When a fault is detected on an adjacent downstream link or node, a transit router can reroute traffic for fast service restoration.
DescriptionstringIndicates whether the tunnel is a candidate for re-optimization at all. If true the ReoptimizationFreq property should be taken into account. By default, a tunnel is re-optimized periodically.
DescriptionstringDue to changes in network and traffic characteristics, there may be a need to periodically change the paths of tunnels for optimization purposes. This should not be done too frequently as it could adversely affect the stability of the network. This property indicates how often such reoptimization should be performed for a specific tunnel. Note that the class, CIM_MPLSTEService, also has a reoptimization frequency property. The frequency specified in this class is specific to a particular tunnel, whereas the MPLSTEService's frequency is per service, on a Label Switched Router.
DescriptionstringReserved bandwidth for this tunnel in kilobits per second. In a load sharing environment, the bandwidth on each tunnel is set to be proportional to how traffic should be balanced. An LSR then load-shares into the tunnels based on the aggregate bandwidth. Note that it is possible to signal 0 bandwidth for a pure best-effort tunnel.
PUnitstringbit / second * 10^3
UnitsstringKiloBits per Second
DescriptionstringGuaranteed bandwidth tunnels can have setup and preemption priorities associated with them. These priorities determine if an existing tunnel can be preempted by a new one. The SetupPriority of the new tunnel is compared to the Holding Priority of the established one, to determine if the new tunnel can preempt the existing one. It does preempt if the SetupPriority in smaller than the HoldingPriority. Note that the value 0 is the highest priority.
DescriptionstringThis value represents the priority for a tunnel in descending order, with 0 indicating the lowest priority, within a group of tunnels used for redundancy/load sharing. Tunnel group priorities are used to denote the priority at which a particular tunnel instance will supercede another. Instances of tunnels containing the same TunnelInstancePriority will be used for load sharing.
DescriptionstringIndicates which protocol created and is responsible for managing this tunnel. Values rsvp(3) and crldp(4) should NOT be used at the head-end of an MPLS tunnel.
ValueMapstring0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
ValuesstringUnknown, Other, Admin, RSVP, CRDLP, Policy Agent
DescriptionstringThis property signifies the role that this tunnel entry/instance represents. The value MUST be set to head(2) at the originating point of the tunnel, to transit(3) at transit points along the tunnel (if transit points are supported), and to tail(4) at the terminating point of the tunnel (if tunnel tails are supported).
ValueMapstring0, 2, 3, 4
ValuesstringUnknown, Head, Transit, Tail
DescriptionstringThe signaling protocol, if any, which was used to setup this tunnel.
ValueMapstring0, 1, 2, 3, 4
ValuesstringUnknown, Other, None, RSVP, CRLDP

Inherited Properties

NameData Type

Class Methods

Inherited Class Methods

NameReturn Type