Class CIM_MethodParameters
extends CIM_ManagedElement

CIM_MethodParameters represents a set of values to be used as the parameters of a method. These parameters can be passed to the method, directly used by the method in its invocation, or accessed by the method when it is called. The properties of a concrete subclass of MethodParameters are mapped to the parameters of a method by the method itself or by the method caller. This mapping is an implementation detail that is independent of the definition of the class. For ease of use, property names should match parameter names. Property values should be set before the method is invoked. The ModelCorrespondence qualifier can be used to indicate if the property value should come from the property of another class. The instances that the property values should be gleaned from should be associated with MethodParameters using the Parameter ValueSources association. If the property is declared as an array, then the same property value (identified by the Model Correspondence) will be retrieved from all appropriate ParameterValueSources instances and stored in the array. If the property is declared as an array and the Model Correspondence is to an array property, then only one instance of the array will be copied from one ParameterValueSource. If the property is not declared as an array and there are multiple instances of the class and property associated with it through ModelCorrespondence where the values are not all the same, then an error will occur and the value of the property will not be set. Several MethodParameters instances can be associated with any of the ManagedElement methods. This association allows the maintenance of 'canned' method invocation and reduces the overhead of re-creating all method parameters for every method invocation.

Table of Contents
Direct Known Subclasses
Class Qualifiers
Class Properties
Class Methods

Class Hierarchy


Direct Known Subclasses

Class Qualifiers

NameData TypeValue
DescriptionstringCIM_MethodParameters represents a set of values to be used as the parameters of a method. These parameters can be passed to the method, directly used by the method in its invocation, or accessed by the method when it is called. The properties of a concrete subclass of MethodParameters are mapped to the parameters of a method by the method itself or by the method caller. This mapping is an implementation detail that is independent of the definition of the class. For ease of use, property names should match parameter names. Property values should be set before the method is invoked. The ModelCorrespondence qualifier can be used to indicate if the property value should come from the property of another class. The instances that the property values should be gleaned from should be associated with MethodParameters using the Parameter ValueSources association. If the property is declared as an array, then the same property value (identified by the Model Correspondence) will be retrieved from all appropriate ParameterValueSources instances and stored in the array. If the property is declared as an array and the Model Correspondence is to an array property, then only one instance of the array will be copied from one ParameterValueSource. If the property is not declared as an array and there are multiple instances of the class and property associated with it through ModelCorrespondence where the values are not all the same, then an error will occur and the value of the property will not be set. Several MethodParameters instances can be associated with any of the ManagedElement methods. This association allows the maintenance of 'canned' method invocation and reduces the overhead of re-creating all method parameters for every method invocation.

Class Properties

Local Class Properties

NameData TypeDefault ValueQualifiers
NameData TypeValue
DescriptionstringThe identifier by which the MethodParameters object is known.

Inherited Properties

NameData Type

Class Methods