Class CIM_PolicySet
extends CIM_Policy

PolicySet is an abstract class that represents a set of policies that form a coherent set. The set of contained policies has a common decision strategy and a common set of policy roles (defined via the PolicySetInRole Collection association). Subclasses include PolicyGroup and PolicyRule.

Table of Contents
Direct Known Subclasses
Class Qualifiers
Class Properties
Class Methods

Class Hierarchy


Direct Known Subclasses


Class Qualifiers

NameData TypeValue
DescriptionstringPolicySet is an abstract class that represents a set of policies that form a coherent set. The set of contained policies has a common decision strategy and a common set of policy roles (defined via the PolicySetInRole Collection association). Subclasses include PolicyGroup and PolicyRule.

Class Properties

Local Class Properties

NameData TypeDefault ValueQualifiers
NameData TypeValue
DescriptionstringIndicates whether this PolicySet is administratively enabled, administratively disabled, or enabled for debug. The "EnabledForDebug" property value is deprecated and, when it or any value not understood by the receiver is specified, the receiving enforcement point treats the PolicySet as "Disabled". To determine if a PolicySet is "Enabled", the containment hierarchy specified by the PolicySetComponent aggregation is examined and the Enabled property values of the hierarchy are ANDed together. Thus, for example, everything aggregated by a PolicyGroup may be disabled by setting the Enabled property in the PolicyGroup instance to "Disabled" without changing the Enabled property values of any of the aggregated instances. The default value is 1 ("Enabled").
ValueMapstring1, 2, 3
ValuesstringEnabled, Disabled, Enabled For Debug
DescriptionstringPolicyDecisionStrategy defines the evaluation method used for policies contained in the PolicySet. There are two values currently defined: - 'First Matching' (1) executes the actions of the first rule whose conditions evaluate to TRUE. The concept of 'first' is determined by examining the priority of the rule within the policy set (i.e., by examining the property, PolicySetComponent.Priority). Note that this ordering property MUST be maintained when processing the PolicyDecisionStrategy. - 'All' (2) executes the actions of ALL rules whose conditions evaluate to TRUE, in the set. As noted above, the order of processing of the rules is defined by the property, PolicySetComponent.Priority (and within a rule, the ordering of the actions is defined by the property, PolicyActionStructure.ActionOrder). Note that when this strategy is defined, processing MUST be completed of ALL rules whose conditions evaluate to TRUE, regardless of errors in the execution of the rule actions.
ValueMapstring1, 2
ValuesstringFirst Matching, All
DescriptionstringThe PolicyRoles property represents the roles associated with a PolicySet. All contained PolicySet instances inherit the values of the PolicyRoles of the aggregating PolicySet but the values are not copied. A contained PolicySet instance may, however, add additional PolicyRoles to those it inherits from its aggregating PolicySet(s). Each value in PolicyRoles multi-valued property represents a role for which the PolicySet applies, i.e., the PolicySet should be used by any enforcement point that assumes any of the listed PolicyRoles values. Although not officially designated as 'role combinations', multiple roles may be specified using the form: <RoleName>[&&<RoleName>]* where the individual role names appear in alphabetical order (according to the collating sequence for UCS-2). Implementations may treat PolicyRoles values that are specified as 'role combinations' as simple strings. This property is deprecated in lieu of the use of an association, CIM_PolicySetInRoleCollection. The latter is a more explicit and less error-prone approach to modeling that a PolicySet has one or more PolicyRoles.

Inherited Properties

NameData Type

Class Methods