Class CIM_QueryCondition
extends CIM_PolicyCondition

QueryCondition defines the criteria for generating a set of query results that are accessible to other QueryConditions or MethodActions of the same PolicyRule. If there are no results returned from the query, then the Condition evaluates to false; otherwise, true. QueryConditions are assumed to be constantly evaluated whenever precursor PolicyConditions are met. Actual implementations may evaluate conditions dynamically, via polling, or via other means. QueryCondition instances are viewed as clients of query. The QueryCondition implementation takes the query results and makes them available by the name specified in QueryResultName to the FROM clause in the Query property of other QueryConditions or MethodActions. (The details of how this is accomplished are implementation dependent.) These results are not available via CIM Operations, do not create lifecycle indications, and do not persist beyond a single evaluation of the associated PolicyRule.

Table of Contents
Direct Known Subclasses
Class Qualifiers
Class Properties
Class Methods

Class Hierarchy


Direct Known Subclasses

Class Qualifiers

NameData TypeValue
DescriptionstringQueryCondition defines the criteria for generating a set of query results that are accessible to other QueryConditions or MethodActions of the same PolicyRule. If there are no results returned from the query, then the Condition evaluates to false; otherwise, true. QueryConditions are assumed to be constantly evaluated whenever precursor PolicyConditions are met. Actual implementations may evaluate conditions dynamically, via polling, or via other means. QueryCondition instances are viewed as clients of query. The QueryCondition implementation takes the query results and makes them available by the name specified in QueryResultName to the FROM clause in the Query property of other QueryConditions or MethodActions. (The details of how this is accomplished are implementation dependent.) These results are not available via CIM Operations, do not create lifecycle indications, and do not persist beyond a single evaluation of the associated PolicyRule.

Class Properties

Local Class Properties

NameData TypeDefault ValueQualifiers
NameData TypeValue
DescriptionstringA query expression that MAY be evaluated and that defines the query results that MAY be generated. Note that the query's FROM clause MAY reference any class, including those named by the QueryResultName of other QueryCondition instances associated to the same PolicyRule.
ModelCorrespondencestringCIM_QueryCondition.QueryLanguage, CIM_QueryCondition.QueryResultName
DescriptionstringThe language in which the Query string is expressed./n CQL - refers to the 'DMTF:CQL' language defined by DSP0200. CQL: indicates a CIM Query Language string. CQLT: indicates a CIM Query Language Template string. When used, the identifiers recognized in the $identifier$ tokens are "SELF" and the property names of this class, or one of its subclasses. When used in the Query string, $SELF$ will be replaced by a string corresponding to a WBEM URI referencing the instance of this class that contains the Query template string. Tokens of the form $<propertyname>$ will be replaced by a string representing the corresponding property value of the instance of this class that contains the Query string.
ValueMapstring2, 3, .., 0x8000..
ValuesstringCQL, CQLT, DMTF Reserved, Vendor Reserved
DescriptionstringIn the context of the associated PolicyRule, QueryResultName defines a unique alias for the query results that MAY be used in subsequent QueryConditions or MethodActions of the same PolicyRule. This string is treated as a class name, in a query statement.
ModelCorrespondencestringCIM_QueryCondition.Query, CIM_MethodAction.Query
DescriptionstringIf Trigger = true, and with the exception of any PolicyTimePeriodConditions, PolicyConditions of this Policy are not evaluated until this 'triggering' condition query is true. There MUST be no more than one QueryCondition with Trigger = true associated with a particular Policy.

Inherited Properties

NameData Type

Class Methods