Class CIM_StorageServerAsymmetryCapabilities
extends CIM_Capabilities

This class defines the asymmetric characteristics and capabilites of a redundant storage server. The properties in this class guide client algorithms in the interpretation of the instances of StorageResourceLoadGroup, TargetPortGroup, StorageProcessorAffinity, and AsymmetricAccessibility, and also determining support for methods that affect assignment of storage resources to storage processors.

Table of Contents
Direct Known Subclasses
Class Qualifiers
Class Properties
Class Methods

Class Hierarchy


Direct Known Subclasses

Class Qualifiers

NameData TypeValue
DescriptionstringThis class defines the asymmetric characteristics and capabilites of a redundant storage server. The properties in this class guide client algorithms in the interpretation of the instances of StorageResourceLoadGroup, TargetPortGroup, StorageProcessorAffinity, and AsymmetricAccessibility, and also determining support for methods that affect assignment of storage resources to storage processors.

Class Properties

Local Class Properties

NameData TypeDefault ValueQualifiers
NameData TypeValue
DescriptionstringThis property specifies whether a storage server supports transparent or non-transparent failover of TargetPortGroups. If this value is 2(Port Group Fails), a TargetPortGroup will have a single StorageProcessorAffinity association to the storage processor it belongs to and will fail with. If this property has a value of 3, the TargetPortGroup will have a StorageProcessorAffinity association to each storage processor that can host it's function, and the properties on the association will indicate both which processor is primary and which is currently hosting the ports in the group.
ValueMapstring2, 3
ValuesstringPort Group Fails, Port Group Fails Over Transparently
DescriptionstringSet to true if this storage system allows the client to specify which storage processor a storage resource is assigned to, either using one of the CreateOrModify methods or the AssignStorageResourceAffinity method on StorageConfigurationService.
DescriptionstringIf this property is set to Symmetric it indicates that the StoragePools or StorageVolumes are processed in a distributed load-balanced manner between storage processors. If this property is set to Asymmetric it indicates that the StoragePools or StorageVolumes are have a primary affinity for one storage processor.
ValueMapstring2, 3
ValuesstringSymmetric, Asymmetric
DescriptionstringIf this property is set to StorageVolume it indicates that the StoragePools have symmetric behavior(or no affinity) and that the Volumes have affintiy for one storage processor or the other. If this property is set to StoragePool it indicates that a StoragePool as well as the Volumes allocated from it have affinity for one storage processor or the other.
ValueMapstring2, 3
ValuesstringStorageVolume, StoragePool
DescriptionstringThis property indicates the normal(healthy) state accessibility to volumes both in the StorageResourceLoadGroup on the same storage processor as a TargetPortGroup, and to volumes in StorageResourceLoadGroups on 'other' storage processors in the redundant server. If this values is 2(Symmetric): There is equal bandwidth access to volumes on all storage processors through target ports on this storage processor. If this value is 3(Asymmetric Non-Optimized): There is full bandwidth access to volumes in the StorageResourceLoadGroup on the same storage processor as the TargetPortGroup and degraded bandwidth access to volumes in the StorageResourceLoadGroups on the 'other' storage processors. If this value is 4(Asymmetric No Access): There is full bandwidth access to volumes in the StorageResourceLoadGroup on the same storage processor as the TargetPortGroup and no access to volumes on 'other' storage processors.
ValueMapstring2, 3, 4
ValuesstringSymmetric, Asymmetric Non-Optimized, Asymmetric No Access

Inherited Properties

NameData Type

Class Methods

Inherited Class Methods

NameReturn Type