Class PRS_Administrative
extends PRS_ExchangeElement

PRS_Administrative defines administrative information about associated objects. There must be at least one PRS_Administrative instance associated with a PRS_Solution. Administrative information is inherited from a parent object. If the administrative information among objects within a Solution is not the same, additional PRS_Administrative instances may be associated with other objects within the Solution. All instances under a specific parent inherit their administrative information unless there is an PRS_Administrative instance associated with that instance. For example, if there is a PRS_Administrative instance associated with a PRS_Problem instance, all of the PRS_Statement and PRS_ Product instances within the Problem use the same Administrative information as the PRS_Problem instance.

Table of Contents
Direct Known Subclasses
Class Qualifiers
Class Properties
Class Methods

Class Hierarchy


Direct Known Subclasses

Class Qualifiers

NameData TypeValue
DescriptionstringPRS_Administrative defines administrative information about associated objects. There must be at least one PRS_Administrative instance associated with a PRS_Solution. Administrative information is inherited from a parent object. If the administrative information among objects within a Solution is not the same, additional PRS_Administrative instances may be associated with other objects within the Solution. All instances under a specific parent inherit their administrative information unless there is an PRS_Administrative instance associated with that instance. For example, if there is a PRS_Administrative instance associated with a PRS_Problem instance, all of the PRS_Statement and PRS_ Product instances within the Problem use the same Administrative information as the PRS_Problem instance.

Class Properties

Local Class Properties

NameData TypeDefault ValueQualifiers
NameData TypeValue
DescriptionstringLevel 0 means all information within a Reference, Problem or Resolution is conveyed by a single PRS_Statement. Level 1 means there may be multiple PRS_Statement instances within a Reference, Problem or Resolution. Level 2 means that a PRS_Statement may be associated with a PRS_Feature instance within a Reference, Problem or Resolution.
ValueMapstring0, 1, 2
DescriptionstringCopyright for the associated information.
DescriptionstringDisclaimers about the associated information.
DescriptionstringIntended distribution audience for the associated information. If 'Proprietary', information contains proprietary information and is not to be released externally. If 'Internal', information is for internal use only. If 'Partner', information is only available to contracted partners. If 'Public', information is available to anyone.
ValueMapstring0, 1, 2, 3, 254, 255
ValuesstringProprietary, Internal, Partner, Public, Other, Unknown
DescriptionstringEditorial status of the document. If 'Draft', information is complete, but unedited. If 'Reviewed', an editorial review has been completed. If 'Published', information has been reviewed and approved for distribution.
ValueMapstring0, 1, 2, 254, 255
ValuesstringDraft, Reviewed, Published, Other, Unknown
DescriptionstringLanguage used in the associated information.
DescriptionstringUsage rights for the associated information.

Inherited Properties

NameData Type

Class Methods