Class CIM_EgressConditioningServiceOnEndpoint
extends CIM_ServiceSAPDependency

This association represents the binding, in the egress direction, between a ProtocolEndpoint and the last ConditioningService that processes packets before they leave a network device (via that ProtocolEndpoint). This 'last' ConditioningService is ordinarily a scheduler, but it does not have to be. There can be multiple 'last' ConditioningServices for an Endpoint (for example, in the case of a fallback scheduler). Therefore, the cardinality for the Dependent object reference remains 0..n. On the other hand, a single ConditioningService cannot be the last one to process packets for multiple Endpoints. So, the cardinality of the Antecedent object reference is narrowed from 0..n to 0..1.

Table of Contents
Direct Known Subclasses
Class Qualifiers
Class Properties
Class Methods

Class Hierarchy


Direct Known Subclasses

Class Qualifiers

NameData TypeValue
DescriptionstringThis association represents the binding, in the egress direction, between a ProtocolEndpoint and the last ConditioningService that processes packets before they leave a network device (via that ProtocolEndpoint). This 'last' ConditioningService is ordinarily a scheduler, but it does not have to be. There can be multiple 'last' ConditioningServices for an Endpoint (for example, in the case of a fallback scheduler). Therefore, the cardinality for the Dependent object reference remains 0..n. On the other hand, a single ConditioningService cannot be the last one to process packets for multiple Endpoints. So, the cardinality of the Antecedent object reference is narrowed from 0..n to 0..1.

Class Properties

Association References

NameReference Class

Class Methods