Class CIM_HostedShare
extends CIM_HostedDependency

CIM_HostedShare is an association between a Share and the System on which the functionality resides. The cardinality of this association is many-to-many but a FileShare must have at least 1 host system, either exporting or importing it. (A System may host many Shares and a Share may be hosted by more than one System, but a Share must have at least one HostedShare). Heuristic: For export, a Share is hosted on the System where the LogicalElement that is exported by the Share is located (via SharedElement, derived from LogicalIdentity). For import, a Share is hosted on the System where the LogicalFile (or other namespace element) that provides the mount-point for the share is located (via ImportedShare, derived from LogicalIdentity).

Table of Contents
Direct Known Subclasses
Class Qualifiers
Class Properties
Class Methods

Class Hierarchy


Direct Known Subclasses

Class Qualifiers

NameData TypeValue
DescriptionstringCIM_HostedShare is an association between a Share and the System on which the functionality resides. The cardinality of this association is many-to-many but a FileShare must have at least 1 host system, either exporting or importing it. (A System may host many Shares and a Share may be hosted by more than one System, but a Share must have at least one HostedShare). Heuristic: For export, a Share is hosted on the System where the LogicalElement that is exported by the Share is located (via SharedElement, derived from LogicalIdentity). For import, a Share is hosted on the System where the LogicalFile (or other namespace element) that provides the mount-point for the share is located (via ImportedShare, derived from LogicalIdentity).

Class Properties

Local Class Properties

NameData TypeDefault ValueQualifiers
NameData TypeValue
DescriptionstringA string that uniquely identifies the remote element (expected to be an ExportedFileShare) that the Dependent Share represents if this is an imported Share. This is an opaque, unique identifier that provides an unambiguous name for the remote share -- we expect that it will be a WWN but any other interoperable format (e.g., a URI) would also work.

Association References

NameReference Class

Class Methods