Class CIM_IPEncapsulationInterface
extends CIM_ManagedSystemElement

CIM_IPEncapsulationInterface specializes CIM_IPProtocolEndpoint to provide the additional configuration properties required for an IP tunnel interface. The IPProtocolEndpoint properties represent the inner IP address of the IP packet.

Table of Contents
Direct Known Subclasses
Class Qualifiers
Class Properties
Class Methods

Class Hierarchy


Direct Known Subclasses

Class Qualifiers

NameData TypeValue
DescriptionstringCIM_IPEncapsulationInterface specializes CIM_IPProtocolEndpoint to provide the additional configuration properties required for an IP tunnel interface. The IPProtocolEndpoint properties represent the inner IP address of the IP packet.
UMLPackagePathstringCIM::Network::Protocol Endpoint(1)

Class Properties

Local Class Properties

NameData TypeDefault ValueQualifiers
NameData TypeValue
DescriptionstringContains the identifier for the source endpoint traffic from the customer network. It shall be an instance of CIM_ProtocolEndpoint, for this IP Tunnel a non-null value of the CASourceEndpont property shall be formatted as a URI per RFC3986. If this resource is modeled then a value should be a WBEM URI (DSP0207).
DescriptionstringThis is an optional property for configuring the Virtual Routing and Forwarding table (a CIM_VirtualRoutingAndForwarding instance) to be used to look up the route for a customer IP address from a de-capsulated packet coming from the overlay network. A non-null value of this property shall be formated as a URI per RFC3986. If this resource is modeled then a value should be a WBEM URI (DSP0207).
Descriptionstring1- sets the Encapsulation mode typeOther - should only be used if there is not an enumerated value 2- GRE 3- IP-in-IP 4-NVGRE 5-VXLAN
ValueMapstring1, 2, 3, 4, 5, .., 0x8000..0xFFFF
ValuesstringOther, GRE, IP-in-IP, NVGRE, VXLAN, DMTF Reserved, Vendor Reserved
DescriptionstringInstanceID is an optional property that may be used to opaquely and uniquely identify an instance of this class within the scope of the instantiating Namespace. Various subclasses of this class may override this property to make it required, or a key. Such subclasses may also modify the preferred algorithms for ensuring uniqueness that are defined below. To ensure uniqueness within the NameSpace, the value of InstanceID should be constructed using the following "preferred" algorithm: <OrgID>:<LocalID> Where <OrgID> and <LocalID> are separated by a colon (:), and where <OrgID> must include a copyrighted, trademarked, or otherwise unique name that is owned by the business entity that is creating or defining the InstanceID or that is a registered ID assigned to the business entity by a recognized global authority. (This requirement is similar to the <Schema Name>_<Class Name> structure of Schema class names.) In addition, to ensure uniqueness, <OrgID> must not contain a colon (:). When using this algorithm, the first colon to appear in InstanceID must appear between <OrgID> and <LocalID>. <LocalID> is chosen by the business entity and should not be reused to identify different underlying (real-world) elements. If not null and the above "preferred" algorithm is not used, the defining entity must assure that the resulting InstanceID is not reused across any InstanceIDs produced by this or other providers for the NameSpace of this instance. If not set to null for DMTF-defined instances, the "preferred" algorithm must be used with the <OrgID> set to CIM.
Descriptionstringif the EncapsulationMode has a value 1 - OtherOtherEncapsulationMode should have a string describing the tunnel mode
DescriptionstringContains the identifier for the source endpoint traffic to the Provider (overlay) network. It shall be an instance of CIM_ProtocolEndpoint, for this IP Tunnel a non-null value of the PASourceEndpont property shall be formatted as a URI per RFC3986. If this resource is modeled then a value should be a WBEM URI (DSP0207).
DescriptionstringThis is an optional property for configuring the Virtual Routing and Forwarding table (a CIM_VirtualRoutingAndForwarding instance) to be used to look up the route for a Provide IP address from a encapsulated packet coming from the overlay network. A non-null value of this property shall shall be formated as a URI per RFC3986. If this resource is modeled then a value should be a WBEM URI (DSP0207)

Inherited Properties

NameData Type

Class Methods