Class CIM_NetworkServicesInAdminDomain
extends CIM_HostedDependency

This association establishes the Dependency relationships that exist between an administrative domain and the Network Services that it hosts. It is deprecated since AdminDomains can contain any ManagedSystemElements. There is no special relationship needed for NetworkServices. In addition, the Min (1) cardinality on AdminDomain is not valid - since it may not be possible to define every NetworkService in the context of one or more Domains.

Table of Contents
Direct Known Subclasses
Class Qualifiers
Class Properties
Class Methods

Class Hierarchy


Direct Known Subclasses

Class Qualifiers

NameData TypeValue
DescriptionstringThis association establishes the Dependency relationships that exist between an administrative domain and the Network Services that it hosts. It is deprecated since AdminDomains can contain any ManagedSystemElements. There is no special relationship needed for NetworkServices. In addition, the Min (1) cardinality on AdminDomain is not valid - since it may not be possible to define every NetworkService in the context of one or more Domains.

Class Properties

Association References

NameReference Class

Class Methods