Class CIM_SubUoWDef
extends CIM_Dependency

This association defines the sub-UnitsOfWork (the sub- transactions) for a particular UnitOfWorkDefinition. For example, an 'AddOrder' UnitOfWork could have sub-Units of 'ValidateCustomer', 'ValidatePartNumber', 'UpdateDatabase', etc. This is a Dependency relationship since the sub-UnitsOf Work are put in context relative to the parent Unit. It is not an aggregation relationship - since (using another example) a 'DatabaseWrite' transaction is likely to be dependent upon a 'DiskWrite', but the two transactions are separate concepts and one is not 'contained' by the other.

Table of Contents
Direct Known Subclasses
Class Qualifiers
Class Properties
Class Methods

Class Hierarchy


Direct Known Subclasses

Class Qualifiers

NameData TypeValue
DescriptionstringThis association defines the sub-UnitsOfWork (the sub- transactions) for a particular UnitOfWorkDefinition. For example, an 'AddOrder' UnitOfWork could have sub-Units of 'ValidateCustomer', 'ValidatePartNumber', 'UpdateDatabase', etc. This is a Dependency relationship since the sub-UnitsOf Work are put in context relative to the parent Unit. It is not an aggregation relationship - since (using another example) a 'DatabaseWrite' transaction is likely to be dependent upon a 'DiskWrite', but the two transactions are separate concepts and one is not 'contained' by the other.

Class Properties

Association References

NameReference Class

Class Methods